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A/N: I don't live in Australia nor have I ever visited, so I apologize in advance if I don't get the name right or whatnot lol soz! Enjoy!! Xx

The Australian sunlight was beaming down on me as my family and I piled out of the cab and started to grab our bags from the trunk. I beamed up at our new home, a two story Victorian-style house that looked a little big for my family if I say so myself. It was painted a crème color, with a wraparound porch that seemed to be fenced in towards the sides of the house and backyard. I was completely mesmerized by its overbearing beauty and size. I was just hoping the inside was a bit less intimidating then the outside had seemed.

I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard laughter across the street, which seemed to be emitting from a male and female specimen. Their laughter reminded me of the days back in Los Angeles between Nate and I. Nate was my annoying, over protective brother who always liked to remind me of the fact that I was younger than him, which automatically gave him the authority when my parents weren't present. He was a brunette, like me, however I had crystal blue eyes that seemed to change colors often. While he had eyes the color of dog shit. At least I had one thing to hold against him in the time of need. However, those big brown eyes did score him some desperate girls back in LA.

"MALI!CAL! Get down here, the neighbors have arrived and we need to invite them to the neighborhood." A slightly aged woman, with curly hair, had shouted out from her porch that was adjacent from ours. She had shot me a pleasant smile, seeming as I was the only one who wasn't busy unloading the trunk.

"Umm. Mom, Dad? The-umm-neighbors... they're walking over here." I had said under my breath, trying to smile while I also tried to get my parents attention so I wasn't forced to converse. God knows I'm terrible at even asking for extra ketchup at McDonald's!

All at once, Nate and my parents stopped what they were doing to send small yet approving smile towards the lady, whom was still trying to get her kids it seemed, to come down and greet us.

"Ok, Nate, Rose, on your best behaviors! We want to make a good impression and maybe they'll invite us to celebrations. And maybe Amelia can find some new friends." My mom spat out quickly, still smiling and waving at the neighbors who were slowly leaving their yards.

"HA! Poor Mel! Has to have mom make her friends. What's up with you, socializing is easy you freak" he rolled his eyes, adding to his stupid comment he had made on my issue I had developed over the years. This was an everyday thing for me, mom trying to encourage me to socialize more, Nate picking on me just because he was great at making friends. I didn't really listen to them, I blocked them out just how I blocked out the rest of the world. It was safe, not having anyone to care about, or be scared for, no stupid sappy relationships. You didn't have to impress anyone, you could just be yourself.

I hadn't replied to Nate, for he was just a waste of sperm and perfectly good energy at the time he was conceived. My mom would always scold us for being rude to each other, but we didn't care. It was a sibling thing to do. Pick on each other, steal from each other, etc. It's not like we tried to sell the other's soul for concert tickets. Or in Nate's case, a life time supply of video games.

Once I focused back on the neighbors that were happily walking over to where we stood, I started to freak out for I saw a very attractive guy walking along with his mom and sister I suppose. He was a brunette like Nate, but more attractive, with a much defined jaw, brown eyes, around my age, and he seemed to be Asian. I thanked god silently for we wouldn't be the only non-Australians here.

The mystery boy and his family had finally approached us and quickly exchanged smiles and handshakes with my parents. While my parents were busy talking to our new neighbors I felt sadly defeated for they had Australian accents. It wasn't like I was going to befriend him and talk about we were allowed to have kangaroos as pets here.

"Hello, you guys must be the Hood residence? Nice to finally meet you I'm Amanda Hastings and this is my husband Andrew and our children Nate and Amelia Rose." She slowly gestured to each of us while we returned small 'hellos' and smiles. I hadn't made eye contact while I made my exchange with the Hoods. I had tried to stay hidden behind Nate, but failed when he pushed me in front of him, with both hands on my shoulders. I kept my gaze diverted to strictly my torn up converse.

"Come on Mel, don't be shy! Make some friends for a change, you gotta come out of your turtle shell." I rolled my eyes at Nate, I swear once we get this awkward hello out of the way I'm going to take him to the top of the stairs and push him down them. I've easily done it before, that's where his scar he had on his forehead had come from.

I slowly but surely shifted my gaze to Mrs. Hood and gave her a hopefully convincing smile. I then looked to the younger girl, Mali, and also smiled at her sweetly. I decided to try and converse with anyone besides my cardboard cutout of Harry Styles, and do something bold.

"I really love your outfit by the way!" I had blew out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and smiled as she thanked me. I finally turned to the boy, staring directly into his beautiful brown eyes and took in a sharp breath.

"Hello I'm Amelia Rose. Or you can call me Rose or Amelia or Mel or Melly, whichever you like I don't really care. Although my family here calls me Mel or Rosie but whatever floats your boat. I'm also socially awkward so if I ever start rambling you can just stop me because I'm not use to this and-"I suddenly felt my stomach drop for everybody was laughing at me. I knew I should've just complimented him on his Blink-182 tank or asked why he had an Australian accent if he was clearly Asian.

I hung my head in embarrassment. About ready to run inside the house and lock myself in a closet to rot. However, I was cut from my thoughts when I felt two strong hands on my shoulder, squeezing them in a reassuring way. I quickly snapped my head up at the unfamiliar contact. I was surprised with a pair of gorgeous brown eyes that were definitely not Nate's, and a smirk on their face. I returned the smile and fell into a deep trance. Forgetting that both his and, my family were centimeters away. We broke our gaze when we heard a soft chuckle come from Nate and awing from my parents, sadly.

"Hey mum? Can I take Rosie here to go meet the lads at Michael's? I want her to meet them so she'll be comfortable with us when she goes to school next week." He still held my intense gaze, his puppy dog eyes staring into my crystal blue yes, that was slightly outlined with black. I turned to my parents, pleading for permission silently.

"Sure! Go ahead we'll take in your things for you have fun, but Calum, please be safe." My mom had chuckled, surprised that I wanted to socialize for once. I gave a genuine smile, in which felt like years, and was dragged off by Calum.

Just his name made me feel safe and secure, and by his choice of wardrobe made me feel like for once, I was going to actually enjoy someone's company. I wasn't going to me little old Amelia Rose that wore too much dark eye makeup who sat alone at lunch. Not this time, I was going to change for the better.

With my mind buzzing with a million and one thoughts, I was led to the passenger side of the car, which was oddly made on the left side, and hopped in quickly while Calum had hopped behind the wheel shooting me a wide grin.

"Rosie my dear, you are in for one heck of a ride."

A/N: EEEK FIRST CHAPTER UP AND I FEEL GOOD!!! This shall go down in histroy XD This will HOPEFULLY be a permanent thing sand I WILL accomplish this! Thanks for reading and look forward to more!;) please vote/comment/share yadayadayada BYEE LOVELIES Xx

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