Epilogue: Beginning of the End

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One week later….


“Move over!  Gimme some room!” I giggle, scooting over on the couch we had dragged through the doorway, in effort to fit everyone in the tiny space.  I give Mr. Uhmer a goofy smile, and his face remains still as stone.  Mila pokes me, and I bat her hand away, laughing.  


“Hey!  Now I feel left out!” Preston pouted, crossing his arms and trying not to grin.  


“Awwwww,” I say, wrapping my arm around Mila and Preston and pulling us together, we clonk our heads.  


“OK!” Mr. Uhmer shouts, and we all giggle, sitting still.  “Hello everyone, and may I say, I’ve never had this many people for one meeting.  Ok, does anyone have a pencil?”  We all nod, rooting through our backpacks and pulling them out, Mr. Uhmer looking pleased.


“Very good. We-”


“Why do we need these?” Preston asks, earning a look from Mr. Uhmer.  


“I will tell you,” making Preston slide in his seat.  I chuckle, as I’m used to this personality from Mr. Uhmer.  “I have 3 pieces of paper.  Pick one.”


The rustling of paper interrupts him.  “They’re all the same.” I venture, and he gives me a glare.


“Pick.  One.” He sighs loudly, folding his hands over his large stomach.  “Fine.  Mila, the one in your hand has the Lucky Charms leprechaun dancing.  Preston, yours has a unicorn.”


“YES!” Preston pumps his fist in the air.


“Zoie, your paper contains the meaning to life-cake.”  He grins.  “At least to me.”  I laugh loudly.  


“Ok, so, with your papers with either a leprechaun dancing, a unicorn, or cake-write your secrets.  Everything that’s personal.  First of all, is everyone comfortable with that?”


We all nod eagerly.  We’re too close to not share them.


“Second, write them.  DO NOT write your name.  You got five minutes.  Three, two, one, go!”  He presses the button of a timer and we all furiously scribble.


-I live with a guardian, as my parents passed away.  

-I’m working to rebuild my relationship with my guardian, the same with her husband.  He used to be missing while in the military, until very recently, but yesterday we got a call saying that he was ready to come home.  As I don’t really have the best terms with him, I’m willing to try.

-I’m guilty of not helping someone and not standing up for them.  I won’t let that happen again.

-I’ve been bullied a lot, and I’m still coming strong against that.

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