10 〄 The Dangerous One

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A falling sensation overtook her. Irene jolted upright, hyperventilating. The stirring of the Ancient One in her amplified her panic, its pulsating clinching vibrating through her veins. Her body shook. As she gathered her senses, the Wikev made out the stream-like patterns in the walls and floors. She was now sitting on a single, gray bed. An outline of a slithering being popped into her peripheral vision. 

Instinctively, she extended her fangs to half of their length. Venom pooled under her tongue, ready to strike. Out of her throat emerged a series of clicks. Some of the deity's anger mixed with her fear of survival.

"I am not here to hurt you, dear," the being said in Icoburi, opening her sideways mouth filled with rows of teeth. Venom dripped off of Wikev's fangs out of fear. What kind of being were they? The being extended one of her leg-tendrils with a glass of water.

"You are dehydrated, drink."

Her mouth did feel dry, but how would they know that? Hesitantly, Irene took the glass from them. She brought it to her mouth and sniffed.

I do not sense any poisons. The goddess said with a cracked voice. Then again, I cannot sense much right now.

"Really now? I am a medic, not a killer. Drink before you die of paranoia," the being scoffed.

After licking the venom off from her teeth, she gulped down the liquid. They were right; she was parched. The healer smiled and refilled the water. The Wikev emptied again within a few seconds.

"Where am I?" Irene asked, unsure if she had remembered the proper words. It felt like ages since she had read or spoken the language. Their eyes stalks perked up.

"Oh good, I was unsure if you could understand me." They clapped their legs together. "You are at Zanurik, the Ascendant's palace for lack of better words." Irene licked her chapped lips. Ascendant, that word caused the goddess to coil in anger. 

Our replacement.


The Ancient One gave no further context, tucking herself in a corner of Irene's mind and curling into a ball. She assumed if she let her anger out, it would result in hurting both of them. That was the most logical explanation she could think of at least. A sulking goddess didn't sound quite right. Frustrated with her lack of detail, the Wikev turned towards the strange, most likely Interstellar, being.


"Ascendant, leader of the Celests."

Irene's eyes widened. What would a leader want with her? She scanned her memories of conversations she had about the species. The vast majority held anger and resentment towards them, all but one, Asa. The healer had met her fair share of Celests, having actually helped saved one of their hatchlings. And, on the whole, she trusted her more than the nonsense that oozed from Terrik's mouth. 

But an overwhelming majority shared stories of how the so-called "chosen ones" had degraded the others in the universe. Things had been quiet for around three decades since the new Ascendant took the throne. Even so, that didn't prove their allegations incorrect. It most likely meant the new leader was better at hiding it, more covert.

"I'd like to speak with him. Her. They, whatever," she demanded as her body stiffened. She would find out why she was here and what they wanted with her. Beeping emanated from the being's orifice.

"We could use some more of that straightforwardness around here. I would be happy to assist but you will have to wait until after his meeting. If he's still in one piece," the being chortled. "And it would be best if you take it easy right now as it is." 

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