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*Brrt Brrt*



"Merde, 5 more minutes... pour l'amour de toutes choses saintes" Jean grumbled, blinking himself awake, or at least into a state of mild consciousness. Groaning, the disgruntled figure slowly rose from under his cocoon of blankets, reaching a tired arm out to try and fish around for the offending sound. Once his hand wrapped around the buzzing device, he shuffled around and threw the blankets off of himself, sliding the alarm off to save himself from any further onslaught of that cursed sound.

Yawning, he placed his feet on the ground, immediately regretting it as the cold wooden floor sent chills up his spine. He reached his arms above his head, sighing as he started to stretch the stiffness from his shoulders and back, letting out a quiet "ahhh..." as his limbs finally felt like they were awake.

Checking his phone, the lock screen read 5am, his background of him and sherry smiling at the camera staring back at him. "ugh, maybe I should skip the gym today" he shivered "it's too cold" he cried to himself, his body moving of its own accord as he headed out towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Curse my dedication to wanting to keep my body in the perfect condition".

Drinking down the glass of water helped to relieve the dryness in his mouth, filling him with slightly more motivation to get up and go to the gym.

In almost a dazed like state, Jean managed to put on his workout clothes and pack a bag with his work uniform and some toiletries so he could clean himself at the gym showers afterwards. The idea of sweating all over the place without properly cleaning himself off before his shift causing an involuntary shiver. He had standards after all.

Huffing one last sigh and contemplating if he really needed to go, Jean quickly went and opened his sisters door to make sure she got home last night, and sure enough, laying under a mountain of blankets was his sister. Relieved, knowing she was safe, he grabbed his phone and walked out the front door, putting in his ear buds and beginning the cold and daunting trek to the gym.


"Aha Jean! You've finally come back to the gym, I was beginning to think you had become too intimidated by my rippling muscles and great physique!" Jean grimaced as a hard slap landed on his back, shocking his senses and making him see a bright burst of colours for a moment before turning around to level the older man with a bored expression.

"Hey Joseph, what're you doing here so early?" he asked nonchalantly, parting himself from his hoodie that helped to protect him from the cool breeze outside, thankfully the gym had the heaters on but not to the point of it being suffocating. He walked over to his locker, the loud - and way to enthusiastic considering how early it was - man following closely behind, greeting the other early gym goers with the same cheerfulness as he had with Jean, while the other of the two simply acknowledged them with a grunt and a slight wave.

"Thought I'd get in a quick workout before going to visit my daughter Holly, I'm helping her with getting rid of -" he paused to give another passerby a greeting "getting rid of the weeds in her garden, plus this old man just wants to spend some time with his wonderful daughter" he smiled softly, no doubt thinking of spending the whole day with her. Polnareff had to admit, it was pretty cute, you could tell her really loved her.

"Well then, I hope you both have fun today" he replied, opening his locker and putting his bag inside, then moving away to begin stretching, mainly focusing on his lower half as he planned to get in a decent workout for his legs today since its been a while and they're starting to feel neglected. "When do you have to leave?" he questioned, moving his attention back to the currently resting man.

It's... Strange - Avdol x PolnareffWhere stories live. Discover now