Chapter 1

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I closed eyes my again not wanting to get out of bed, but my alarm kept pounding on. I could feel the warmth of the heavy blankets that I had wrapped around me, beside me where I could feel rough wire-like hair rubbing against my stomach. I didn't want to get up and face the horrors of my life again like I had to do every single day.

I slammed the dismiss button on my alarm and rolled over feeling the warmth of my bed coaxing me back to sleep, the deep rumble that shook my bed reassuring me that I was going to be ok. I felt something cold press against my skin, I must have fallen asleep studying for my maths exam as I had textbooks and sheets all over my bed and floor. I could see my laptop sitting safely on my bedside table next to my phone.

"Get up!" called a ragged voice that I knew belonged to my step-father, there was no kindness in his words only a very sharp edge that meant he was not having a good morning. A few moments later I heard shuffling feet coming from the room beside me. I was almost certain that if I didn't get out of bed soon my step-father would come in and dump a glass of ice-cold water on my head.

So I sat up and looked at myself in the mirror on my dresser that was at the foot of my bed. My light brown hair was a mass of tangles and knots on top of my head and a hollowed outlook seemed to control my hazel eyes and my tan skin as pale as the cream dog that lay on the bed near where I had been. I got up and walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a silver top.

Once I was dressed I looked around my room for my ragged old black school bag so I could pack it ready for my day of hell. I rummaged through the front pocket until I found my time table. First period I had science then English after recess I had maths and history, then lunch and after that for my last two periods for the day I had a pass, well at least I didn't have to pack my bag because I had all the books I needed yesterday.

I walked out into the kitchen to see my mum and step-dad sitting at the kitchen table having their morning cup of coffee. I flicked the kettle on and grabbed my carry cup out of the old rickety cupboard. I pulled a tea bag out of the container beside my cup and placed it in.

I walked over to the draws and grabbed a spoon just as the kettle stopped boiling so on my way round I picked up the kettle and poured the boiling water into my cup and added sugar. Once I had made my tea I grabbed my lunch off the table, shoved it into my bag and called out for my brother to hurry up. I gave my mum a kiss on the cheek and told her that Narkar was asleep on my bed like every other morning and walked out of the kitchen.

My brother walked out to the dining room after grabbing his lunch of the kitchen table and kissing my mother on the cheek. We began our trek to the bus stop up the road from our house, once we arrived at our bus stop I sat on the Blackwood bench and looked down at the phone in my hand, there were quite a few messages from my friends all talking about the maths test in a couple of days. I joined in with the chat until my bus arrived, I placed my earphones in my ears and let my music blare and climbed on to the bus and took up my usual seat at the back of the bus next to the window. I watched as the world passed beyond the window. The bus stopped a handful of times before we arrived at my uni, I walked off the bus and went straight to my first class.

When I entered the classroom Mr Yudg had yet to arrive so I walked up the back to my usual seat between Jarav and Minxis, they were in the middle of a conversation when I sat down.

"... did you see how Clower was dumped yesterday?" exclaimed Jarav, clearly he still couldn't believe that Keybe had dumped Clower in front of the whole school. His brown hair was a mess and he was wearing a green t-shirt and black trackies, his pink eyes standing out against his pale skin.

"Hello to you to." I stated drily when neither of them realised I had sat down.

"Oh, hey Drayea sorry I didn't see you sit down." Minxis replied. She was wearing a pine coloured dress that went well with her red hair and dark blue eyes. Just as Jarav was about to say hello, Mr Yudg walked in and silenced the class.

"Today's lecture will be on William Shakespeare, please open your notebooks and take notes on key points throughout the lecture. Everything you learn will be in your exam." Mr Yudg stated before jumping into his lecture. The class stayed silent throughout the lecture, when the teacher was finished and asked the students if they had any questions over half of the class put their hands up. When the lesson had finished I had taken at least three pages of notes, but Jarav and Minxis had taken barely any claiming they already knew all they would need about Shakespeare.

Once Mr Yudg dismissed the class, I made my way to the science block almost running into a few students while I was daydreaming. When I had finally arrived to my classroom Mrs Husega had already started the days lecture. She was explaining how stars are formed and how long the process could possibly take.

"Miss Dreyea, I would like to see you after class." Mrs stated I internally cursed myself. Here I was thinking that I had successfully snuck into class without the teacher noticing. I took a seat in the middle of the room and pulled out my notebook and began taking notes on what the teacher was saying. Sometime during her lecture I zoned out and let my imagination go wild.

The bell to signify the end of class rang and I stood up from my desk and shoved my book and pen in my school bag before making my way to the front of the classroom where Mrs Husega was waiting for me.

"Why were you late to my class dear child?" Mrs asked as soon as I reached her desk.

"I have no excuse Mrs sorry." and that was the truth, I should have made it to class on time even if she day dreamed all the way there.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again, if it does you will have detention for a week. Understood?" Mrs stated

"Understood." I replied halfheartedly

"You may be dismissed now Miss Dreyea." Mrs said and I quickly exited the room before she could call me back again.

I walked to the cafeteria and found where my friends were sitting, witch want to hard since they were pretty hard to miss. When I sat down I noticed that Imelda had dyed her hair a dark shade of green, it looked amazing on her. She was wearing a red hoodie and blue baggy jeans that made her tan skin and sky blue eyes pop.

"Why were you late coming out of science?" Imelda asked me, her tone laced with curiosity.

"Mrs Husega wanted to speak with me." I replied simply, my tone telling the group not to ask any more questions on the subject. So instead Minxis began telling the group about a party she was holding at her house on the weekend. We were all invited and expected to show up, she also wanted us to help set it up.

I just nodded my head pretending to pay attention to what the group was saying while i let my thoughts run wild inside my head, they touched on the topic of school but they were mostly consumed by what was happening in the book I was reading. Like normal my friends realised I wasn't paying attention and poked me out of my thought world. I sighed, "what do you want? Another time you would leave me in my own little world but no, you had to pull me out why?" I asked, just as I spoke I realised there was someone standing behind me. Judging by the looks on my friends faces they had know idea who it was.

"That would be my fault, dear." Said a voice from behind me. I slowly turned around to see who it was. But when i was able to see who had bothered me I was lost for words. Holy gods he was hot. He was at least six foot tall, he had pale skin littered with freckles and his eyes were such a deep brown that they seemed black. He had black hair that looked like he had just rolled out of bed. Now I understood the looks on all of my friends faces.

"Why did you just call me dear?" I asked, the words just falling from my mouth while I tried not to stare. He just chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to keep what was left of my dignity in tact.

"I'm Elieri Gandgey. Nice to meet you." he stated humour lacing his voice, he must have introduced himself while I was daydreaming. Shit. What else did I miss? Noticing my discomfort Jarav told me that Mr Totherb had sent Elieri to find me and said that I was to show him around to his classes until he got adjusted to the school. Well I'm in for a treat now. No more day dreaming walking to my classes and I guess my friend group just expanded by one person as well. I gestured for Elieri to sit down.

"Where are you from Elieri" Imelda asked once took a seat between me and Minxis.

"Just a small town in the middle of nowhere and please call me Eli." he responded. I had a strange feeling about him but I made sure to keep my thoughts to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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