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Isaacs POV

This announcement made my stomach turn, although I knew what it was I was still nervous about the reactions of my family, will they be mad that they've been kept out for so long or will they be scared that out family is in danger and they didn't even know it. I guess only time will tell and that time is now...

Layla's POV

Everyone was acting weirder than usual the only one acting normal was Micheal, I think he was as in the blue as I was. My dad stood up at the head of the table and our heads all turned to him like meerkats. He cleared his throat and that's when I knew that he was nervous because he has to prepare for whatever was about to happen.

"So I never do this apart from when it's important and this is important, now all of you know what I do for work apart from Layla and Micheal and I think that it's time that you both deserve to know."

Why was I kept in the dark, I looked at Micheal who just shrugged, he didn't looked that bothered by it but then I looked at my brothers and they looked nervous as well as Laura. Did she know and I didn't? I'm apart of the family surely I have the right to know before anyone else. I shrugged it off and listened to what else my father had to say.

"Well my job isn't an ordinary one, I run the mafia." The was a bad time for me to take a sip of my water because I'm pretty sure if I didn't choke on it like I did it would've gone everywhere, I would've preferred the second one because everyone got up to make sure that I was okay and that I wasn't going to end up choking to death.

I told everyone to sit down and stop making na fuss. Everyone was looking at Micheal and me, I had to sit and think about the information that I've just been told. The mafia?! What? Why?! How?! This only happened in my books and it's like I'm now in one of them. This couldn't be happening, why were they just telling us now? Was Alex planning on taking over?

I put my knife and fork on the plate, we hadn't even started to eat but I had lost my appetite. I went up to my room without saying a work to my family and I decided to slam the door to let them know that if they entered they would be taking a risk.

It was about five minuets before I heard a soft knock on my door. By the soft knock I could tell who it was, it was Alfie. "Can I please come in?" He tried talking calmly to make me calm but they only got me more angry. "Layla isn't in right now come back later." My little joke got a chuckles and he entered my room. I really wish We had locks in this house, it would be a lot easier to stay mad.

"You need to come down and eat."
"I'm not feeling that hungry anymore."
"Bullshit, you're always hungry." I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. I knew that he was just trying to make me smile but in the process of it he just had to be annoying like he always was.

"How long have you know for?"

"A couple of years."


"We didn't want to tell you for this reason, we knew that you would freak out and we didn't want that."

I nodded but I also knew the real reason they didn't tell me and it was because I was a girl and they wanted to protect me and keep me out of danger but that would be hard when your dad runs the mafia. I stayed sat on my bed looking out of the window and taking deep breaths to calm myself before I ripped off Jakes head.

"I'm not coming back down for dinner, I'm going to have an early night, so night." I turned of the light by my bed and just laid down looked at the ceiling. I wasn't gonna budge and after a while Jake got that and left mumbling things under his breath which I heard and I'll get him back tomorrow for it.

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