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the_insomnia thank you for making the cover *-*.
We are months late with this but still prepare your tissues, we're going down the ride of emotions


Year 187 B.C

The immortal was still young at that time. Most who saw her would guess she is a poor petite 18 years old abandoned by her family.

People passed by the poorly clad girl, not sparing a glance towards the small shivering bundle. Handong pulled the rag over her dirty body, sinking in deeper into the bags thrown onto the pile of trash.

She was an immortal who didn’t believe much in humanity. Her tired eyes scanned over the rich and the poor, who strolled by the dirty road, neither party paying any attention to the immortal. In their eyes, if there was anyone truly kind, she was a helpless cause, probably cursed and meant to die at any moment.

Handong was indeed cursed. But she was never going to die. Starvation and the cold had never stopped the immortal, and she had never gotten sick.

IT had been centuries, and she had gone through a lot, a lot that kept killing her over and over again, yet she wouldn’t die.

There really wasn’t a point to all this, Handong thought, closing her eyes in hopes of falling asleep under the moonlight.

“No no no! You can’t fall asleep in this cold!” Handong opened her tired eyes slightly, her vision filled with white puffs of snow, as it tried to focus on the figure in front of her. There was nothing wrong with sleeping outside in the cold, snowflakes working as a blanket over her pale body; she had been doing that for years now.

Yet the black haired girl that stood before her didn’t seem to care about what Handong had to say, wrapping her coat over the immortal’s shoulders.

Blinking eyes stared into worried ones, a warmth enveloping Handong’s numb body, surprising the immortal, who was not used to being approached by people of the town.

“Princess!” a tall man entered her vision, throwing his own coat over the Princess’ shoulders, scolding her for giving her coat to a stranger while her own health was more important.

‘Princess.’ Handong looked around, counting the guards surrounding her and the princess, and then her eyes focused on the well dressed girl in front of her, whose hands were still around her shoulders, holding the coat tight to keep her warm.

The princess pulled her up with little effort, Handong not really refusing, her eyes focusing on the princess’ beautiful features, while her jewelry glinted under the moonlight.

Princess Minji of the Damhongsaeg Dynasty. She was a very kind person, unlike the rich Handong had seen before.

Minji had reached out for her hand, pulling Handong towards the castle.

The immortal had tried to escape, not knowing what the princess wanted from her.

But the Princess kept reaching out, until eventually, Handong found herself sinking into the comfortable warmth of Minji and her castle.

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