Chapter 5

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He heard a strange vacuum-like sound. He looked in front to see one of the warp-man's portals open up. He then heard a cry from Katsuki, as one of the villains ran up from behind.

Izuku tried to stop himself, to try to turn to help Kacchan, but it was too late. He ran straight through the portal.


Midoriya's face was hit by a wave of cold air. He looked around to see the night sky. He looked down at his feet, and realized that he was hundreds of feet up in the air. And he was falling. His arms flailed miserably at his sides as his dove headfirst towards the ground. He looked up to see that the purple portal that had spat him out was quickly disappearing. Faster, faster, then gone.

He looked back down at the Earth. It was closer now. So this is how I die, huh? He was hit by a flashback of the UA entrance exam. Going out how I started. There's no Uraraka to save me, and there's no way I'll be able to save myself with my body like this. I'm done for.

Farther and farther. He passed the tops of buildings. He was in a city. The street was empty. At least no one will see me die.

"Holy shit!" a male voice cried out. Izuku felt a small piece of rope attach itself to his back. The rope grew taut, and he felt himself hang from it. His decent stopped, his fall slowed, and he then bounced from the rope. He let out a shuddering cry.

"Hello! Are you alright? Where are you from?" the voice asked. Izuku looked around and saw someone in a hero costume. It was red and blue, with a black spider web pattern and a small black spider on the chest. He wore a full face mask, with white spots where the eyes were. He was crouched on a light post, somehow balanced.

"How far have you fallen? Injured? What happened?" Izuku realized that the voice came from the man in the hero costume, and that the man was speaking English. No wonder it sounds so formal.

"Thanks for catching me," he croaked out. However, Midoriya didn't think the man heard him. The man stood, and shot something out of his wrist. Is that... spider webbing? This guy has a really cool quirk!      

The string of web attached itself to something above Izuku, and the man pulled. He then flew upwards, dragged along by the line. The rope holding Izuku started moving. He heard the man grunt, then felt himself slowly lowering to the ground.

"Jesus, you're super light!" the hero called. Izuku saw the ground closer and closer, until it was only a few feet away. The rope stopped giving way, and the man jumped to the ground. Is he... a man? As the hero walked over to him, Izuku saw that while he was very fit, he couldn't have been much older than himself. The voice was somewhat high, as well.

Maybe he's a hero student on patrol. The first year students don't do it alone, but he spoke English as his first reaction. That means we must be in an English speaking area. He sounds American, which is impossible, I don't think that the Kurogiri guy could teleport me that far, but I don't recognize any of the buildings around here. That billboard is in English as well. Maybe? It is just on the other side of the Pacific, and maybe the hero schools work differently over here.

The boy cocked his head and stared at Izuku. Midoriya realized that he was muttering. He closed his mouth and watched the boy. He walked up and pulled at the rope on Izuku's back. It popped off, and Izuku fell into the boy's arms.

"Man, what happened? Covered in bruises! Is your arms broken?" the costumed boy asked. Izuku shuddered as a wave of pain flew over his body.

"Holy fuck..." The boy looked around, then pulled Izuku onto his back, piggyback style. He put a hand up to his ear, then talked to someone. Izuku felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

"Hey you. Hey! What is your name?" the boy asked. Midoriya tried to answer, but felt himself lose control of his mouth. His eyes fluttered, then shut. The last thing he heard was the boy cursing and apologizing.

A/N 667 words

Hero Journal No. 14 (MHAxMCU/Marvel crossover)Where stories live. Discover now