Chapter 1

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(killua's P. O. V)                                           I gathered all my stuff and packed it all into my huge duffle bag. Throwing the large bag on my shoulder I called for my sister.

"Aluka, is your bag packed?"
"yup, let's go!" aluka hummed happily.

I took her hand and started to the boat waiting by the dock. I picked up aluka and placed her on the boat. After she was on the boat I got in. The boats engine started and we left the dock.  As I turned my face to the water  I felt the wind blow on my face. The crisp air cupped my face as I stole there smiling. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Killua is that you?!" I heard the familiar voice shout with excitement.

"Gon!" I said in surprise.
Gon ran at me and jumped into the air. The Green haired boys arms landed on my soldiers and wrapped around my neck.

"I missed you. " Gon spoke hugging me happily.

"I missed y.. You.. Too. " I said, shook
Gon was actually here. It has been 3 years since I had seen him. I missed how he gave hugs and made me feel safer.  I missed his sweet voice giving me reasurence. Aluka started shaking me like crazy.

"Big brother, goes here,  he's really here, " she spoke. "You should go tell him. "

"tell him what?" I turned away from the little black haired girl. She motioned me lean down so that she could whisper something in my ear.

"tell him that you like him, silly big brother." aluka whispered quietly.

My face started to turn as red as a cherry. Gon looked over to see what we were talking about. I covered my face with my hands and pecked out.

"hello,  Earth to killua. " Gon said Ashe removed my hands from in front of my face.

Gon was always good at making me blush no matter what kind of situation. He was just so cute. Why can't my heart just shut up already.

" um.. Yeah. " I said still slightly blushing.

"we're here!" gon and aluka said in unison.

"come on big brother,  let's go." aluka chirped cheerfully.

"I'm coming. " I finally muttered as I turned to the exit of the boat.

The city looked so beautiful at night. The lights danced across the city as I turned my head to face the sky. I looked back down and turned my eyes to look at gon.  My gaze was stuck on him.  He was so beautiful in the city lights.
"your so beautiful in the light. " I muttered quietly to myself.

"what was that killua?" gon questioned.

"n.. Nothing" I spoke,  putting my hands im my pocket. We walked a bit more before aluka spoke again.
"let's find our apartment!" The black loli whined.

Gon looked over at us and questioned me. He asked if he could stay with us until he was able yo find another place to stay. I obliged and let him stay with us. 

Once we found the our apartment aluka ran up to the door.

"come on open it,  it's getting cold. " she complained loudly.

"alright, alright,  I'm opening it. " I shuttered as I moved her aside.  I fiddled with the keys until I found the right one. The door opened and we all stepped inside.  Aluka darted straight to her room once she was inside. Since there were only two bedrooms me and gon had to share a room.

"wow,  this place is so cozy. I love it. It's amazing!" The small spoke with joy in his eyes.

"it's getting kinda late let's head over to my room. We only have two bedrooms so you can share mine with me. If you want. " I told the Green haired boy.

He followed me to my room.  We both sat on the bed and sighed. Today feels like it was going on forever.  There has been way to much excitement for me tonight. I am got up from the bed with a grunt and glanced over at gon.  Be had fallen asleep on the foot of the bed.  I left the room to go check on aluka who was fast asleep.

Finally. He was alone with his thoughts.  He was so happy to have gon with him again.  It had been so long since I had seen him. I can't let him find out how I feel.  If he does he might not like me back and it will ruin our friendship. I spoke my head and put my hands on my face.

I hated feeling like this.  It makes me feel like I'm weak and not in control. This is just to confusing.
"why does love have to be so confusing. "I muttered to myself sitting with my thoughts.
(gon's P. O. V)

I woke up in killua's bed with a cover over me.  I quietly slipped out of bed to see if killua was awake at this hour. I peeped my head out of the door way and then I heard someone talking.  It sounded like killua. I listened closer and heard the most shocking thing ever. 

"why does love have to be so confusing?" I hear killua whisper to himself.  I had no idea killua had a crush on someone. I turned to head back yo killua's bed when i stepped on a creaky floor board. 

Creeeeeeeak! I hurried back yo the bed and got in the same position I was in before killua found out that i was ease dropping on him. Killua walked back to his room and lied down on the foot of his bed with me.  He put his fingers gently in my hair and ran hi hand through it. I blushed a little and felt my face heat up. After he did this for a little while he stopped and lied down on the other side of the bed.

What just happened. how am I going to look at him with and not blush after this.  I'll have to try my best.  As I sunk slowly into my thoughts I drifted of to sleep. Day dreaming about the next day.



Love is just around the corner/ killugonWhere stories live. Discover now