Patton Arc- Part 1

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Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk, staring curiously at the smiling figure in front of him. He had honestly expected this person to have some semblance of anger towards him after recent events (i.e., him being unjustly sent to Azkaban), but there wasn't any. They seemed eager to rejoin their friends, and begin attending classes again. However, there was a small request that they made. They wanted to be called by a new name, a different name, one that would reflect their new personality. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Dumbledore gave an answer to this person. "Well, everything appears to be in order here, so I see no reason why you can't rejoin your friends right away." This was clearly the desired response as the person jumped up and down while clapping their hands, and said, "Yay! Can I go see them right now?" The twinkle that was usually present in Dumbledore's eyes began to slowly return. "Of course you can, m'boy. Just, one more time...remind me what you wish to be called?" They nodded, and said, "Of course, professor! I want to be called Patton."

Hermione and Ron anxiously sat in the common room, blankly staring at a wall. Ever since they figured out the truth, the fact that Harry was innocent, they couldn't stop thinking about how they treated him. I mean, they burned everything he owned, for Merlin's sake! They honestly expected him to give them the silent treatment, or actively work to make their lives a living hell. The saddest thing is that they deserved it. But, one thing was for sure: they weren't going to demand forgiveness. They knew how badly they acted towards him, and would let him forgive them on his own terms, if he even decided to forgive them. Hermione was interrupted from these thoughts by Dumbledore suddenly clearing his throat. "Good evening, students. May I please have your attention?" Everyone immediately turned around to see the Headmaster standing with a strange, yet familiar looking person. He was wearing a sky-blue polo shirt and khaki pants. Around the collar of his neck, he had the sleeves of a sweater tied, so that it hung like a cape down his back. The most prominent feature on his face was his overly large smile. As soon as he locked eyes with Hermione and Ron, he dashed right up, and gave them a hug. "Oh. My. God! It's so good to see you guys again!" The two froze upon receiving the bone-crunching hug from this stranger. However, as he stepped back, Hermione happened to catch a glimpse of this person's scar, a very familiar one that rested upon their forehead, a scar that brought one name right to the forefront of her mind...


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