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//Chat Room//
Xx_Hermione_Xx has logged on.
Weasley_girl has logged on.
Weasley_girl: Heey Mione!!!! :)
Xx_Hermione_Xx: Heyy Gin! :) <3
Weasley_girl: I can't believe it's already back to hogwarts!!
Xx_Hermione_Xx: Yeah, it's crazy I'll tell ya that!
Draco_Malfoy has logged on.
Xx_Hermione_Xx: ....Malfoy....
Draco_Malfoy: Hello Granger, Weasley..
Weasley_girl: Wait...Did you just...?
Draco_Malfoy: Yeah, I guess I did.... Well— I got quidditch practice. Bye Weasley, Hermione! :)
Draco_Malfoy has logged off.
Xx_Hermione_Xx: ........
Weasley_girl: No way...?!
Xx_Hermione_Xx: Well, that happened... We should unpack.. Bye Ginny!! <3
Xx_Hermione_Xx has changed her name to Mione<3.
Mione<3 has logged off.
Weasley_girl has logged off.
(Girls dorm)
"Mione..?" Ginny asked. "Yes?" Hermione responded. "Why do you think Malfoy's being so nice to us?" Ginny puzzled. "I'm not sure, but I guess it's better than being called names. Right?" Hermione laughed. "That's true." Ginny laughed with her. "Should we see if the boys are on the Chat?" Hermione asked. "Yeah, it's more fun, and I want to talk to Harry!" Ginny smiled.
//Chat Room//
Ginger_boss is online.
Best_seeker_ is online.
Weasley_girl is online.
Weasley_girl changed her name to _Ginny<3.
Mione<3 is online.
Best_seeker_: Hey guys!
Ginger_boss: Hey Harry!
Mione<3. Hey Ron, Harry!! :)
_Ginny<3: Heeyyy!!
Mione<3: I think this is going to be an amazing year!!
_Ginny<3: Well, we can agree on that!! XD
Ginger_boss: Well, let's make it a memorable one. :)
Best_seeker_: Diddo!!
Pansy_;) has logged on
Pansy_;) has changed her profile picture to...

 :)Best_seeker_: Diddo!! Pansy_;) has logged onPansy_;) has changed her profile picture to

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Mione<3: Parkinson.....
Pansy_;): Granger, Weasley's, Potter....
_Ginny<3: What do you need?
Pansy_;): Just wanted to talk to someone......
Ginger_boss: I guess you could talk to us...
Pansy_;): Wait....Really???
Best_seeker_: Suppose so.
Mione<3: How was your summer?
Pansy_;): Not the best. Draco and I broke up:(
_Ginny<3: I'm sorry to hear that.
Best_seeker_: I'm going to finish unpacking! Bye guys. :)
Ginger_boss: Me too actually! Bye!
Mione<3: Bye guys!!
Best_seeker_ has logged off.
Ginger_boss has logged off.
Mione<3: Sorry to hear about you and Malfoy.
Pansy_;): Why are you guys being so nice to me?
_Ginny<3: Well, we're Gryffindor's...
Pansy_;): Yeah, but I've always been so mean to you....
Mione<3: Well, the past is behind us, I just want all of us to get along.
Pansy_;): Can we be friends Hermione?
Mione<3: Sure :)
Pansy_;): ...Ginny?
_Ginny<3: Suppose so. :)
Draco_Malfoy has logged on
Mione<3 has changed her picture to...

 :)Draco_Malfoy has logged onMione<3 has changed her picture to

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