Chapter 1

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'Dear Diary,
Today is a day just like any other day. I will wake up, I will exist and I will sleep again. How long will this miserable cycle continue?'

I put my journal down on the mattress and swing my thin legs over the side. I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath in.

"Today could be different," my uncle chirps from the bottom of the stair case, "oh and you should stop reading your diary entries out loud. It defeats the purpose." He adds and laughs to himself.

I guess it's his way of cheering me up.

I run my fingers through my long green hair and stand up slowly. The shower calls my name as I pick my shorts, tee and thigh length stockings up off the table and head into the bathroom.

The heat of the water untangles my nerves and relaxes my muscles so I stand under the needle-like jets until the water is no longer warm. When I step out, I poke at my eyes with my fingers.

A deep blue ring surrounds each of them, making me look at least twenty years older than I am.

'Sleep without rest,'

I sigh and dry myself before pulling my clothes on and brushing through my wild curls trying not to look too hard at myself as I put minimal foundation on my face, extra concealer around my eyes and some mascara on.

It's eight by the time I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk down the stairs.

"Bri, you gonna be okay?" Uncle James looks at me, his face full of concern.

God, am I sick of that look...

"I will be fine. I will be perfect," I plaster my best and yet most fake smile onto my lips as I reply.

He sighs in defeat at my effort and waves a hand in front of himself gesturing for me to get to work.

"Bye, uncle James."

"Later, Briana. Smile it suits you," he says in another attempt to brighten my spirits.

I feel bad for him.

I get into my pulsar and turn the heat on to warm my freezing body. The winters here are so harsh.

My drive to work is short and sweet and as I climb out of the warmth I am greeted by Kayden,

"Morning, Bri." He smiles at me.

I smile back as best as I can manage, "Good morning." I lock my car and begin to walk to the store.

"We just finished stocking for the week."

I nod at him as he keeps talking about the pricing and till changes. I try to take the information in but my mind is elsewhere.

"Will Cat be in today?" I ask him, hoping I didn't cut him short.

"Yeah, she will be. At noon." He grins and goes to find the supervisor, Cameron.

I stare at a pile of clothes that are in dire need of being folded and sigh. I make my way to them and begin the daily grind.

~Bri to the side.~

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