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Your hands trembled as you tried to find the words. The boy stared you down, watching, waiting.

You took a deep breath and spoke out, barely in a whisper,

"Will you miss me?"

There was silence. A perplexed expression replaced the striker's former annoyed one.

"Miss you? When?" he asked.

You paled. You hadn't planned this far. You thought he'd just say no, he hated you after all, right? Of course he did. He had to. Most people did, why would he be any different? You were stupid to ever think you had a chance. You were stupid to ever think you were worth anything. Stupid to think of him as some kind of lifeline. Why would he even bother to like a pathetic waste of spac-

"Uhh, [L/N], you okay? You look like you're about to pass out or something..." he spoke, voice uneasy. You took a shaky step backwards. Then another.

"N-nevermind, it doesn't matter. I-I need to go-" and before he could protest, you had already started to make a beeline for the stairs, keeping your head down while trying and failing to dodge students. You had one destination. A final destination. Nobody had to know. Nobody would know. Nobody would notice.

Four flights of stairs, or was it six? You had lost count, lost track. You reached the rooftop, the cold autumn air hitting you like a truck and the soft breeze blowing your hair.

One step.

Two steps.

Just keep walking. It'll be over soon. Soon you'll fly. You've tried so hard. You've done so well. But its time to quit without saving.

You took off the bag, but no weight came off your shoulders as you set it down next to you and pulled out the note. You set it down right in front of the railing and hoisted yourself up onto it. The wind blew stronger than ever. You'd lose balance any minute.

Nobody would notice.

Nobody would care.

They'd be happy.

That's all you wanted.

For him to be happy.

You heard a slam, footsteps, and your name being screamed.


You lost your balance.

fly [haizaki ryouhei x reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora