Long Live the Night

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"I cannot believe you guys are done another year of school," I smiled, grabbing my phone and keys before we headed out to Easton's graduation, "can time slow down?"

"I know." Hunter said, locking the front door behind us. We piled into the car and drove to the school. We checked Easton in before going to find our seats.

"I miss coming here," Sutton sat back and looked around the auditorium, "I loved doing those plays." We chatted a bit more until the curtains across the stage parted and the principal took the podium. The principal welcomed the parents and families, spoke about the trials and triumphs of the graduating class and began announcing the names of the graduates. When all of the students received their diplomas, the vice principal stood at the podium.

"We would also like to take this time to recognize those who went above and beyond, and excelled in different areas of study." She picked up a wooden plaque from a table to her right, "Simon Sayers is receiving the science award." As the families applauded, the student stood up from the class, shanking the hand of the VP and received his plaque. "Easton Hayes is receiving the math award and the Charles Harper Leadership award."

"Way to go East!" Hunter, Beckett, Sutton and I leapt up to our feet as Easton picked up his awards, shaking also shaking the hand of the vice principal. "Jen did you know anything about this?"

I shook my head, teary eyed as the vice principal finished off the awards for a handful of other graduates. "Families and loved ones, please put your hands together for our graduating class!" The kids tossed their hats up and the auditorium shook with cheers and applause. We caught up with Easton in the foyer for refreshments. "We are so incredibly proud of you Easton." I looked at him, and saw an incredible young man in front of me. We took pictures and gathered Easton's diploma and awards so he could attend the graduation dance.

"He's not a little boy anymore," Hunter said quietly as we sat on the couch, "he's at a school dance, graduating grade eight, going to high school...." his voice drifted off as he had a sip of his ginger ale.

"Oh babe I know." I sighed, "I am so proud of his hard work... a leadership award.. and math? Where did he get those smarts from hey?" I laughed. My phone dinged, reminding me to get get Easton. "I'll be back soon." Hunter smiled, and kissed my hand before I grabbed my bag and headed out.

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