11/26/2019 - The mood swings of a 13-year-old girl

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1. I'm happy, joking and laughing with my friends, speeding through the work.

2. I'm sad and confused. "Alright, we know already, 3/4 girl 1/4 something else. Whatever." Are my comments about my gender really that confusing? I only told them once. I'm still trying to figure it out.

3. I'm happy, eating lunch with Emo, wandering off to find locker 666 (there is none)

4. I'm annoyed. Monkey boy keeps ruining the soccer game, running around and goofing off like the oversized gorilla he is. 

5. I'm sad. Not sure why. Just don't feel like moving.

6. I'm focused. Must pass this test. Hey, this is easy! 

7.  I'm sad

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