🔅Chapter 12: The Price We All Pay

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Abraham's Pov

"Maybe we should stop" Thomas whispered.

"Please don't" I groaned.

He gave me a small smile before continuing to kiss along my neck. Throwing my head back in pleasure, I allowed him to take over my body, to own it. His hot breath grazing my skin lightly until his soft lips made it down my chest. They were the opposite of his hands which had calluses from years of hard labor.

"Abraham" he hummed coming back to my face.

"I want you" I spoke shamelessly.

"I-" he started but before he could finish my father appeared behind him. It was clear as day, the hatred and disgust.

"Dad please" I begged but, he ignored me.

"Abraham" Thomas breathed before my father began to pull him from the stables. I chased after him and started to recognize where he was taking him.

"N-No. Please no! Not again!" I shouted but, he ignored me.

"I will not let you shame our family with a nigger! Some lessons must be taught twice" my father growled pushing me to ground, my head hit a rock and I passed out. The next time I opened my eyes I felt like someone had reached into my chest, pulled out my heart and crushed it in front of me.

"Oh god no" I breathed getting up from the ground hastily and running toward him. Grabbing his feet, I tried to lift him to remove the rope from his neck. When I finally did his body collapsed on top of me.

"Please. Wake up. Thomas please" I cried placing my hands on his cold face. His eyes were lifeless, no sign of the person I loved. I had done it again. I had killed him when all I wanted was to protect him. I was a monster just like my father.

"I'm sorry. Thomas, I'm sorry. Don't leave me. Don't leave me! Please! Thomas" I whispered pulling him close to me but, he wasn't going to do anything. He was already gone.


My eyes snapped open as my hand flew to my chest, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. It sounded like horses running through a field. The images of my father dragging away Thomas and him hanging from a tree with a noose around his neck stayed in my head. I didn't understand how a dream felt so real.

"Sir are you okay?" Ruth asked knocking lightly on my door.

"No, come in" I called sitting all the way up with my back against the wall. When Ruth stepped into my room, I could see the worry etched all over her face.

"You were crying in your sleep. It sounded like you were in real pain. What's wrong?" she questioned.

"I wish things were different" I whispered.

"We all do" she hummed taking a seat on my bed.

"I try so hard not to be like my father but, when it comes down to it we are just alike. All we do is hurt and cause pain. People suffer because of our choices. People die" I muttered.

"By the age of 8 years old, I had already been separated from my parents. Sold and torn away from my family. By 18 I had been handed off to 4 masters, 3 out of those 4 raped me constantly. At 29 I gave birth to a beautiful son, who my current master fathered. I don't know where he is or if he is even alive. His father was white and before I could name him, he was ripped out of my arms. Shortly after I was sold to your father" Ruth told me. I could see all the pain she endured shine through her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I hummed placing my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Your people have caused me and mine to go through hell. I've watched them break us down until there was nothing left but, an empty shell. That is who your father is. Your nothing like him. You aren't a killer Abraham but, you must learn from the past. The line between us is there to divide but, also protect. The moment you cross it all the protection is lost and the only one that will suffer is us. Tread carefully" she sighed standing up.

"Why does it hurt so much to stay away?" I questioned.

"Because you care. You always have but, you must know that it comes at a price and we both know you're not going to be the one to pay it" she sighed smiling down at me. I nodded and then she left. Knowing her story, what she went through and what people like me put her through, it made me sick.

I couldn't be that selfish. I couldn't put my wants above Thomas's. It hurt to stay away from him but, I knew the pain would be much worse if I was the cause of his demise. In such a short time I have come to care about him immensely. We didn't know each other. At this time the only thing we were able to share for another is hatred and anything more than that would mean the end of everything. His life and my hope that things could be different.


So I kinda had some writer's block but, I think I'm last it. Also, I believe it's time for y'all to get into Thomas's attraction. Enough pain and angst for now. So next you're going to see Abraham staying away and Thomas finding out he doesn't want him too. 

Also, Thomas will be the top and Abraham the bottom. 



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