Chapter 9

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Esi met the Dragons on the path leading to Naxisos's battlements. She traversed the uneven path easily as she reached their party. She'd suggested they leave from here knowing it was large enough to support four grown Dragons and didn't require leaving the protection of the palace grounds.

Den stared at her as though he had a something to say, but couldn't quite work up the nerve.

The door to the battlements opened, and Callen and Dionus came to meet her.

Dionus pulled Esi into a tight hug that had her clenching her jaw to keep control.

"I'll be well," She promised the man who had always been a father figure to her.

She turned towards Callen and a wave of bitterness hit her in the stomach.

She wouldn't shirk her duty to Naxos, but a small part of her wanted to. Callen was the first person she'd ever had in her life that made her understand split loyalties. Before, her loyalty to her family, her country, and her Queen were all the same thing.

Esi reached for her, brushing the hair away from her face. She leaned down to kiss her cheek, hoping the child knew that she wasn't abandoning her.

Callen smiled at her. "It's okay. I told you before, I know that this is the right path."

Esi fit her hands to Callen's face, leaning down so their eyes were on the same level. "I love you, little one. Never for one minute doubt that I love every single part of you. You are the daughter of my heart."

The words were a double-edged sword, she realized. They were the same words Lexet has used when they'd said goodbye for the final time.

Esi wondered if she was doomed to relive her adoptive mother's fate, leaving those she loved behind, alone in this world.

"Protect her well," Esi whispered to Dionus.

"I could do nothing else," he replied.

She looked towards Den and for whatever reason, his kind eyes made the tension in her stomach settle.

A spark of color flashed in her peripheral vision, when she looked there was nothing there for a moment, then she saw the glittering of snowflakes, a sea of diamonds in an empty field.

She shook her head and the image passed.

"Esi?" Dionus asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," she answered reflexively.

Dawn was just breaking, the bricks of Naxisos shuttered in pleasure for the warmth, welcoming another day. Esi felt it on her face as she closed her eyes, breathing deeply to settle her nerves.

When she opened her eyes, she found Den watching her, but he quickly looked away, blushing as a boy would when caught looking where he shouldn't.

Esi warmed at the innocence in the gesture, surprised by how charmed she was.

She watched them then, silently observing the Dragons as they discussed the path they planned on taking.

"What course are we taking?" Esi asked.

"We're flying over Corsica and into Carnac, there we'll cross the border into Kithira. If we leave soon, we'll be home by nightfall," Willum replied.

Esi was impressed. "That's a quick journey."

Calum nodded. "We're fast fliers. We'll be crossing over the western mountain range Carnac and Kithira share. Have you ever seen the mountains?"

"Not in a very long time."

Den turned to her, surprised. "You've been to Kithira."

Esi paused. "I've been to the mountains."

Hidden in Shadows- Paranormal Romance Series- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now