Just Run

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New York, the city that spits out a new talented person every 10 seconds. I swear everywhere you turn you find a new up and coming someone. Need an actor got them in stock, how about a heartbroken singer, or a graceful dancer, we have them all. One thing you can’t find here is a decent public bathroom. I make my way through the crowded Starbucks, I rolled my eyes at the line of three girls outside the bathroom. Not a long line for back home but, here where people had a place to be and no time to spare this was a very long wait.

Luke was right behind me. “You really can’t hold it another 30 minutes?” He whispered in my hear. 

I push him lightly, “No loser, you said 30 minutes ago that we would be there, but you lied now let me pee.”

The other girls frown at me. Luke just gives me a look of total disgust. 

“Now, Jacquelyn  that isn’t very lady like.” He smirks and gives me a wink as the line becomes less one girl. 

“Oh boohoo, what do you think we do in there, trade Pokemon cards?” 

He gasps in mock horror “is that not what you do in there?” I hear a girl giggle. See Luke has that effect on people, mainly girls. Although he is being a bit brave right now he usually plays the good boy act. The next girl goes in as another one comes out. Just one more girl ahead, I look around, we are in a small hallway. Not much in here but me, Luke, and the girl stealing glances at Luke. Calum and Michael were outside guarding the bikes and skateboard. I'm not even sure why Luke followed me in. Maybe just to annoy me but, I had a feeling he had something to tell me. A girl came out then the last girl  in-front of me went in.

“Aw, Jack, you aren’t mad are you?”

I look up at him, he was ridiculously tall. “why would I be mad? Because of your lame jokes”

I crack a smile, but he looks away.

“I don’t want you to be mad” he said out of nowhere. 

Just when I was about to say something a girl walks out and I go in. I went into a stall. Why would Luke think i’m mad at him? I rarely ever get mad at Luke, but it has happened. Days of constant ignoring, he would beg for forgiveness then annoy me until i talked to him, which i didn’t do, so he would beg again. I would usually last up to 3 days before I broke and we talked. In fact our friendship started because he made me trip on his skateboard, he followed me around for a week trying to get me to talk to him. I flush and walk out, I wash my hands and stare at my reflection. I look at the scar right above my eye, I sigh. Something is going to happen, I can feel it, just like the night I packed up and left. I walk out and find Luke leaning against the wall talking to two girls. They were giggling and one was even doing the cliche hair twirl on your finger thing. I move out of the way for the next girl in line. Lets have some fun shall we. 

“Hey lukey, are you ready to go babe.” I said hooking my arm to his and getting as close as possible to him. He looks down at me strangely “made some new friends babe?” I said looking at the girls. One narrowed her eyes at me, while the other one laughed. 

“We didn’t know he had a girlfriend.” The laughing one said. 

Luke turned a bit red and was about to say he didn’t but, I bet beat him to speaking “neither does he” with that I grab his arm and make a run for it leaving the girls behind. I turn to face Luke once we were outside. He pouted and I laughed. “Aw babe don’t cry there will be others”

“What happened?” Michael asked. 

“Nothing, just ruined Luke’s thunder, pretended to be his girlfriend in front of these girls.” I say.

“I think Luke’s sad because you were pretending.” Calum points out.

Luke nodded in agreement with Calum. 

“Yeah Jackie, you can’t play with a guys heart like that, I though we taught you better.” 

“First of all losers, you guys taught me nothing. Second, stop being weenies and lets get going, I’m not even sure if this trip is worth it.” 

“What do you mean not worth it? This is The Beginning of the End, the band that we can all agree on.” Calum said kicking off and going a head on his skateboard. 

“And why couldn’t we get a ride from Cal’s sister? she’s going to be there.” I ask swinging my feet over and adjusting my seating on my bike.

“Ask Luke about that.” Michael said trailing behind Calum. I looked over at Luke and he just shrugged. 

“Can you just shut up and pedal.” He said leaving me behind.

“I honestly don’t understand why you guys need to make things so difficult.” We headed down to the bunker, one of New York’s most popular small venues. It wasn’t where you’d go to see Demi or any top 50 pop songs charters, but the place has had it’s magical moments, like When Alex Gaskarth ran through the crowd for kicks. Or When every hand in the crowd went up when Vic asked who was saved by music. The time Taylor looked straight at guy and sang "I was the best thing that never happened to you." Every concert that me Luke and Calum and Michael ever been to at that venue was a great one. Except the one when I got kicked on the head by some crowd surfers but, the music was still amazing. It was a long way from home though so, when Luke told me we would be going by foot and metro I was a little thrown off. Cal’s sister had offered to take us, Just this Morning, so why not take it? Luke inisted     that I not ask questions. Once we got there I headed to the stop sign by the front door to lock up my bike when Calum wrapped an arm on my shoulder “where are you going?” He asked I looked at him and then at the other guys.

“To lock up my bike and to line up at the front door, duh” I say trying to keep walking forward but, he leads me down the side of the building “where are we going?”

“To the back, Michael got us on the back stage list.”

“He what? Wait we get to meet The Beginning of the End?” I ask a smile appearing on my face.

Calum looked at me with a strange expression “something like that.”

Calum and I get to the back door first, there is a guy at the door with a clip board and head piece and another guy, younger and with messy curly hair. He is wearing a sleeveless shirt that had holes on it in various places. When we approached the curly hair guy looked up and smiled.

“ Hey Cal, it's about time you guys showed up. I was afraid it would just be me and my drum kit up there.” 

“Are you guys 5 seconds of summer?” The guy with the head piece asked. 

“Yeah, thats us.” Luke said behind me. 

At this point I was beyond confused. who the fuck was 5 seconds of summer and who was the cute guy with the dimple. I didn’t even have time to ask, because Calum pulled me along with him to follow the dimples and head piece guy. 

When the Going gets Tough, Just RunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin