A Band?

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We were taken to a rather small room. 

“Okay this is your room, you guys have sound check in 5 minutes, I'll get you when its time.” With that he left. 

I look at Calum, who still hasn’t let me go. My face must have been twisted with confusion because I didn’t even have to say a word. 

“Okay, Jack don’t freak out” he said. 

“I didn’t know you had a girl, Calum?” dimples said smiling at me.

“She’s not my girlfriend” he said letting his arm fall off my shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sorry I just assumed… but anyway, Hi I’m Ashton but you can call me Ash, I’m the drummer for the night.” 

I smiled politely and took out my hand “hey Ash, I’m Jacquelyn, but you can call me Jack” he shook my hand “so you are in a band huh? A band with my three best friends right?”

Ashton looked at the other three behind me “uhhhh… i guess.”

“I mean  at least I thought they were my best friends, you know because, best friends tell each other everything, right Ashton?” I was trying to make my anger clear. 

“I mean yeah they do, am I missing something here? guys?” He said shifting his eyes nervously.

There was no sound coming from the boys.

“Not to worry ash, Its just that I assumed I was close enough to those three doofuses behind me, that they would tell me they have a fucking band, but i guess not.” I turn to face them.

They are all avoiding my eyes no one says a word. 

“Unbelievable” I  just couldn't handle the silence.  

Michael speaks up “it was Luke’s fault, he didn’t want us to tell you anything.” 

“Well” I said to Luke.

“Well, what did you expect me to tell you, Oh hey by the way Jack, I have a cliche dream and want to start a band, in a place where every single person tries to make it big, huh? And tell you, of all people, the girl who hates how everyone in this city is chasing fame and how you make fun of every heart broken singer!” 

I’m stunned. I was suppose to be mad for being the last to know that the three closest people I have would withhold such a vital  part of their lives from me. I wasn’t expecting for Luke to say all of that, but he did have a point and how could I argue with that when it was all true.

This silence was awkward and I just couldn’t take it. I get look at Michael and Calum’s faces. They looked guilty, but not as guilty as I feel. I push past Luke and the boys and walk down a hall. 

“Jack, come on don’t leave” Luke says. 

I turn to another hall. I have no clue where I’m going I’ve never been to this part of the venue, but I just wanted to get way from all of them. I keep walking, passing people who are carrying stuff and more people with head sets. I can tell they are giving me looks, but I don’t stay long to let them ask if I’m lost. None of the boys bothered to come after me. Then I get to the end of a hall that leads to some stairs. I head down and end up side stage. I see the boys on stage connecting stuff and taking to people. I just stand there and watch them. Luke looks concentrated and concerned he is fixing his mic. I wouldn’t think that Luke would fill the position of lead singer, He was a bit more reserved. I would think that Michael would be the lead he was more out there and taking charge. Then again I never heard any of them sing seriously just singing to songs on the radio. Luke is the only one not with anyone he doesn’t seem to be looking at anything either. He has on that Luke is thinking face. Staring off to the distance thinking about god knows what but, today I know that it involves me. I roll my eyes, I’m not mad anymore I know that its sort of my own fault they didn’t tell me anything. Ashton walks on stage holding some parts of a drum set. He trips over some chords causing a loud crash of symbols. Calum laughs as Michael just stands over Ashton amused. Ash looks like he would fit in perfectly with them. I smile unable to believe that these idiots could ever get serious enough to actually practice and make a legit band. The lights dim a bit and then they shine on the boys Luke seems nervous and unsure “hey, is this thing working” Luke says into the mic.

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