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Mackenzie jumped on her best friend, Lauren's, back. She squealed loudly making others turn towards them in disgust.

Lauren turned her head to see her one and only best friend, or crush, Mackenzie. Lauren's heart started beating.

She felt her phone vibrate from a call. She told her best friend "Gotta get this." and walked away, with her phone held up to her ear.

Lauren walked away quickly before talking a big breath. "Hello?" she asked into her phone.

"Hey Lolo. I saw what was happening so I decided to call you." Sophia told her.


"Remember? You told me you were only pretending to be her best friend to expose her." Sophia reminded her.

"Oh. Yeah!" Lauren laughed before the bell rang. Lauren hang up and sighed of relief.

She only told Sophia that to keep her crush on Mackenzie a secret.

At the end of the day, Kenzie ran over to Johnny. Johnny was her best friends brother and she loved him a lot. She wasn't sure if she had actual feelings for him but even if she did, she doesn't think it would be awkward between them.

Johnny hugged Kenzie, picking her up off the ground a bit. She squealed before Johnny set her down.

Johnny smiled at Kenzie before putting his arm around her waist. Johnny took his phone out, taking a snapchat of them.

Mackenzie stared at Johnny, not knowing he was recording. "KeNzIe lOoK aT tHe cAmErAaAaA"

Kenzie looked at the camera and smiled shyly. He caught her looking at him. The thought made her blush in embarrassment.

"nOw lEtS tAkE pIcTuReS yEeT"

Kenzie smiled at his phone. He took about a million pictures before finally finishing. They were halfway home by then, their walk was 20 minutes long.

"i'm going to post one of these. don't look over my shoulder at my caption. i want it to be a secret." johnny told her, smirking.


loloorlando, kenzie, patrica, stacy, hayhoe, maddiezoogler and 3,553 others

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loloorlando, kenzie, patrica, stacy, hayhoe, maddiezoogler and 3,553 others

juannyorlandhoe find someone this cute to walk home from school with, boys. 🖤🌹🥵
tagged: @kenzie

view all 26 comments

hayhoe u like her dude

kenzie WAIT AW ILY 🖤🌹
juannyorlandhoe no ily more 🥰🖤🌹

loloorlando are u guys dating?
juannyorlandhoe nope lol
juannyorlandhoe i wish though
this comment was deleted

merrymer you guys would make a great couple!
juannyorlandhoe mom-
merrymer what does - mean?

melissagisoni aw! date!

Kenzie looked up from her phone with a huge smile on her face. the smallest things made her happy, and this was one of those things. compliments made her so happy because she felt pretty whenever she got them.

kenzie stopped walking and hugged johnny tightly. johnny hugged her back. they both melted into the hug and stood there for about 15 minutes.

they forgot about the world around them until lauren came up to them. she tapped them on the shoulder and fake coughed.

the two broke apart from their hug and saw lauren standing there. "hey lolo!" kenzie said exitedly, hugging her best friend.

they hugged for a few seconds before kenzie pulled away from the hug. lauren silently sighed.

kenzie and johnny started walking away with their hands connected. they kept walking and didn't seem to remember lauren was following them, walking sadly.

lauren knew mackenzie didn't like her more than a friend. but, it still hurt lauren to see mackenzie holding hands with johnny, her own brother.

a few minutes later lauren decided to go to her friend nadia's house. nadia was bi, too.

nadia never told her who she had a crush on saying she needs to 'figure out her feelings for that person first' but it was quite obvious that nadia was crushing on lauren.

nadia hated the fact that lauren liked mackenzie when she knew she would never get her. lauren would always cry over mackenzie not feeling the same way.

it really hurt nadia.

soon, lauren got to nadia's house. she knocked on the front door before the door swung open quickly.

"hey laur. why are you here?" nadia asked. she knew the reason why she was there. mackenzie. that's all lauren would talk about around her 90% of the time.

"let's go to your room."

as nadia locked her door, lauren started whining.

"why doesn't she love me backkk?" lauren whined. she flopped on nadia's bed and kicked her shoes off.

nadia sat down at lauren's feet. she sighed. "i'm sorry lauren. but i'm sure there's someone out there that's crushing on you."

lauren lifted her head up off nadia's pillow. "i bet there's not. i'm ugly as fuck."

while that was happening, mackenzie and johnny made it to the orlando household. they walked in the door to mer crossing her arms.

"where's lauren?" she asked the two.

"right he-" johnny said pointing behind him before realizing she wasn't there. johnny looked around for a minute before looking at his mom confused.

"i thought she was right there." johnny mumbled.

824 words. longest chapter i've written in a few months. also, i'm sorry this took so long to write. i wanted to make this chapter atleast 1,500 words but i just couldn't think of anything else to put in this chapter. anywayyyy go follow my main sunnystarss because it's pretty close to 1k !

ily byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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