(chapter 1) in the morning

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Before we start, some of the chapters will be shorter than usual because I don't want to take a long time writing them.

Bryan slowly woke himself up and had to blink his eyes to get his vision cleared. Once he did clear his vision, he pushed himself out of bed and got dressed before heading towards the bedroom door to make breakfast for himself and the three other residents of the house, being careful as to not disturb the one that slept in the same room as him. He realized that he failed when he heard some shifting and soft footsteps as he turned around and looked towards his roommate.

 He realized that he failed when he heard some shifting and soft footsteps as he turned around and looked towards his roommate

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''Good morning Silverwind.'' The catowl (ka-towel) let out a coo as he rubbed against Bryan's leg.

Bryan smiled before leaning down and gently picking Silverwind up. Once Silverwind was comfortable in his arms, he opened the door and walked towards the couch before gently placing him down. Bryan went to the kitchen and began to make pancakes. When he was almost finished and just needed to set the table, he turned towards Silverwind.

''Can you get Vix and Cas for me?'' Silverwind let out a happy chirp before spreading her wings and flying towards a different room.

In a minute, he finished setting the table and filled the pet's food bowls. He heard some footsteps and turned towards the sound.

''Good morning Cassie, good morning Vix.'' He smiled softly at his adopted 12 year old daughter and her pet foxowl.

(Cassie belongs to me, and the other picture isn't mine)

(Cassie belongs to me, and the other picture isn't mine)

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Vix let out a happy tip in greeting before Silvereind and her rushed towards the food bowls

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Vix let out a happy tip in greeting before Silvereind and her rushed towards the food bowls. Cassie smiled and walked towards Bryan before giving him a hug.

''Mornin' dad.'' Cassie was 9 years old when she met Bryan who rescued her off the street, and was extremely grateful to have met such a kind man.

They both walked towards the table before sitting down and happily munching on the pancakes in a comfortable silence. Once they finished, he brushed Silverwind's fur and feathers before gently picking him up and walking towards the door.

''I'll be back later Cas. Remember to take care of everyone else and don't answer the door unless Striker is with you.'' He gave her a hug before opening the door and walking out.

''I will dad. Good luck!'' She waved bhr and closed the door before locking it.

When he stepped off the porch, a large wolf walked up to him. This wolf had grey fur with black tiger stripe markings. The wolf also had a blue collar and a dark blue eye that seemed to have a galaxy in them, while the other eye was white and had a scar over it.

''Hello Firework.'' The wolf greeted him back using telepathy.

''Hello Bryan, hello Silverwind. Are you both ready?'' They nodded as the wolf took Silverwind in his mouth, making it easier for Bryan to get on his back.

Once Bryan was comfortably seated and had a good grip on the collar, Firework placed Silverwind on the ground, who than flew up and sat in front of Bryan.

''Hang on tight.'' The catowl nodded and gently let his claws slide out and hook around the collar.

''We're good now Firework.'' The wolf nodded at Bryan's words and began running towards where Bryan was going, the protectors guild.

It's getting closer towards Christmas so it's time to change my ending.

Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Merry Christmas wolf pups!!

my version of FTO (rewrite) Bryan's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now