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Roger POV


7:30 sharp, exactly when Fred told me to arrive. I'm not always great at arriving on time but I manage, Deaky is the most punctual of our group.

"Roger!" Freddie screamed, his eyes crazy and jittering as he opened the door. Jesus, I haven't even knocked yet. My first thought was what the hell kind of drugs is he on this early in the morning before he smiled a wide and crazed smile. But strangest of all, it was blue.

"Fred.. your teeth." I said as I pointed to my own mouth.

His smile turned to a frown, or really more of a pout. But he still held that same crazy glint in his eyes.

"You know I get enough shit about my teeth already, and you just fucking now notice dentist boy! Fuck off!" He began to slam the door but I pressed my weight against it and stopped him.

"No! That's not what I meant, what've you been eating they're all blue."

"I forgot, a friend gave me these blue sweets. They're really good do you want any?" He hoisted himself over his sofa and reached onto a small table with a lamp for a bag of sweets. Seeing the effect they took on him I was going to have to pass. I'd grown a general distaste for things with too much food dye since I had a slice of cake once that had bright purple frosting which gave me an upset stomach. The puke was surprisingly purple as well.

"No thank you. So where's everyone else, are they coming along?"

He didn't answer my question but instead sat there smirking to himself.

"I told them to come at 8:00!" He giggled and popped another sweet into his mouth.

"On purpose?" I asked. He nodded as he bounced on the sofa. "Why?"

"I thought maybe I could.. give you some fun, y'know. It's been too long, I miss you." He reached over the back of the couch that I was standing behind and hugged my torso.

"You know there's a reason why for that, I'm with Brian now."

"You've been an item for what? A month? Have you even had sex yet?" he mumbled grumpily.

"Actually we have, So I don't need you anymore!" I said finally prying the man off of me. Brian and I were actually in that quite lovely state in a relationship where we couldn't keep ourselves off each other so I didn't need Fred's cheap sexual favors anymore. Freddie fell limp over the edge of the sofa, clutching his heart.

"You've wounded me Taylor." He said mellow dramatically. "At least lemme give you one last time, hm? Then we can say we're done forever and no one needs to know!" He lunged himself upward and jumped back over the couch again.

I began to say something but he put a finger to my lips and hushed me gently.

"Don't speak baby." He whispered, his hot breath pouring down my neck. Before I could say anything his kisses were lining my neck and face, until his lips reached mine. I couldn't help myself. We made out for a minute, my hands grasping at his back for support. He tasted so sweet.

"What's the time?" He asked as we broke free from our kiss. I glanced down to my watch, 7:48.

"Almost 7:50."

"I should've given us more time, we'll have to be quick, you know deakys punctual."

"You know what maybe we shouldn't.." I said. He grasped my crotch and palmed my hard on through my trousers.

"Well you wouldn't want to have this all day now would you? Especially in front of everyone."

I moaned as his hand ran up and down my clothed dick. It had to be let free, so the only thing I could think to say was.

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