zwei. "baby look what you've done to me"

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Nights with Luke will always be my favorite. They say people who are buzzed or under the influence of drugs are usually the most honest. That may be true in some cases but when it's just the two of us up at the late hours of the night for god could only know why, we just spill everything to eachother. Secrest we've never told anyone else. Our deepest darkest thoughts. Theories on life that if spoken to anyone but eachother, someone would think we're stoned beyond belief. I'm a girl who likes my sleep but I would give up all my dream filled nights just to have a million sleepless nights with Luke. It doesn't matter what we're doing, because yes, sometimes it isn't just an innocent chat. I feel more alive after only about two hours of sleep with Luke, than I ever do when I get my recomended eight to nine. It doesn't even matter that those hours of the night are being spent on the couch in the back lounge of my tour bus. I have himand that's fine by me.

"What time is it?' He asks me, slightly lifting his head up to meet mine, due to the fact that he's laying on me.

"A little past three. We should be in Baltimore within the next hour or so." I inform him while going back to my previous action of running my fingers through his hair. He honestly loves it so much whenever I do this. He says it's one of the most calming things anyone could ever put him through. My main goal with it however is to try and get him to fall asleep from it. I haven't been succesful yet but I've come close and that's a plus.

"I know what you're thinking, it isn't going to work babe." Bastard. I will make him fall asleep. If not tonight I will in the near future. I've made it a goal to get him to fall asleep on me, and it will happen.

"Oh trust me, It'll happen, and you'll look adorable, and I'll take pictures to send to your mom, bandmates, and I'll even post it on Instagram and Twitter." He chuckles lightly and quickly flips us over so he's now laying on the couch and I'm laying on his chest.

"You do that then I'll be forced to tell everyone that you are indeed my girlfriend." I gasp in fake shock causing him to no lie giggle right in my face, it's pretty adorable to be honest.

"You don't have the balls Lucas." He groans in response to me calling him the one name he absolutley hates. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's getting under Luke's skin, funny thing about it though, he says it's one of his favorite things about me that I do, which is definetly reassuring.

"Please just tell me we will be together some day, Alyssia, I absolutley adore you and can't imagine my life anymore without you in it. I don't say this with the intent of scaring you away from me, but some day I would like to marry you." He makes it so hard for me to stick by my better judgement and reasons as to why I can't be with him when he says things like this. I would love to be with him more than anything. They always say when you meet your soulmate you'll know it, but what they forget to mention is sometimes circumstances are tough and love almost never comes at the right time.

"Okay, soon. It's not a possibility now Luke." I say while laying my head back down on his chest. He sighs heavily while starting to rub his hands up and down my sides.

"It's not like the amount of time we see each other is an issue. I really don't get at this point what the problem is." I really don't want to start a fight with him over this. The most I can do is describe how I feel about our whole situation. Better now than never I guess. I push myself up from his chest to straddle his lap, he obviously senses this and starts to sit up as well.

"It's a lot more than distance at this point baby." I say cupping his face in my hands, as his hands fall onto the tops of my thighs.

"Then what is it Alyssia. I can't play the mind games much longer, they're tearing me apart inside." He confesses as his thumbs start to move in circles on my legs, his eyes falling from mine to where his hands are as well. I slightly lift his head so he's making eye contact with me again. I want to confide everything in this beautiful boy sitting in front of me.

"It's distance, it's trust, it's the constant stress with the media. I worry about how or what other people will think in the situation. I worry about both of our mental and physical healths, and most importantly I worry about not being everything you'd expect or want me to be." He doesn't respond, instead he captures my lips in a deep passionate kiss filled with so much love and care that it's bringing me to the brink of tears. He eventually pulls away and notices that I have indeed begun to cry and his first action is to wipe away my tears with his thumbs, as he follows it up by leaning his forehead against mine, all while still holding my face.

"Distance will always be a thing, but just think, we do see each other a lot more than we're apart. Trust? Baby I don't think I've ever given you a reason to not trust me. I tell you everything and you have almost 90 percent of my social passwords. The media and paparazzi are going to be assholes and a lot of well known couples have over come it. Other peoples concerns should mean nothing, as long as I love you and you love me, that's all that should matter. Mental health, babe, we're both pretty much fucked on that one, but we can help each other, and be there for one another through it all. You already know the status of my physical health, I really am trying to stop for you, love. But as for being good enough for me, Alyssia, you're absolutely perfect to me, you're who you are and I love that you're not afraid to show that. You're real and as long as you stay real you should never worry about my feelings diminishing for you. Before I met you, I was the biggest mess ever, your typical douche bag that wanted nothing more than a good fuck or booze and drugs twenty four seven, but baby, look what you've done to me. I'm a mad fool for you, but you're too scared to fully let me in." I can't stop the tears that are flowing now. Why is this perfect human being wasting his time on someone that won't fully let him in is beyond me.

"I didn't mean to make you cry baby." He says rubbing reassuring circles on my back. Something he knows calms me down instantly.

"They're not tears of sadness baby. Trust me. I don't deserve you. You try so hard and I just push you away because, you're right. I am scared. You could have so much better." He shakes his head no and tries his best to lay us back down comfortably on the couch without separating us too much.

"I don't need any better because the best is already right in front of me. You're perfect Alyssia, and being scared to fall is perfectly normal. But I know you and I know you like a challenge. So Alyssia Rian Metz, will you do me the honor of finally becoming my girlfriend, so that this... Whatever this is can be official and open to the people who matter the most in our lives. We don't have to come out to the public until you're ready though." It might of been the sleep deprivation kicking in or the slight high I'd been feeling from all the tears I had just let out, but it didn't matter because nothing could stop the yes that had finally come out of my mouth. I pray we won't regret this.

Two Worlds Collide // lhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon