Peace sounds nice.

7 0 0

Latvia: OMG

Latvia: OMG

Latvia: OMG!!!

                            •- Estonia enters  the chat room•-

                   •- Lithuania enters the chat room •-

Lithuania: what? What's wrong?

Estonia: exactly, what?

Latvia: OMG

Estonia: WHAT?! I don't want to answer any of your texts right now I'm busy with a sort of homework.

Latvia: oh bye. But I was saying hi!

Lithuania: ....  

Lithuania: who taught you that word

Latvia: Poland

Estonia: of course Poland

Latvia: I thought you where leaving?

Estonia: no, I'm just going to answer not to quickly

Latvia: but you are?

Lithuania: whatever, you guys let's get into an actual conversation shall we?

Latvia: meh, okay whatever you say.

Lithuania: how's the weather?

Latvia: .....


Lithuania: I just wanted to start a conversation but whatever.

Estonia: yeah guys, hows the weather?

Lithuania: great actually

Estonia: I was being sarcastic.

Lithuania: oh well- ok

Latvia: Okay boomers

Lithuania: you're just as old to!

Estonia: stop looking at this app you like called- " TikTok?" Right that's what it's called?

Latvia: Estonia is not much of a boomer like you, Lithuania

Lithuania: whatever!

            •- unknown user enters the chat room-•

Unknown: oh hello, what a nice friendly conversation you're all having.

Latvia: Who invited unknown?

Lithuania: Not me, I'm guessing you Estonia.

Estonia: uhm no I did not add them in.

Estonia: Who are you unknown?

Unknown: I am Russia!

Russia: I joined myself!

   -• Lithuania and Latvia has left the conversation-•

Estonia: Guys no!

Estonia: Don't leave him with me!

      •- Estonia left the conversation-•

    •- Russia left the conversation-•

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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