The special prom of school

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"Y/N, will you go to prom to me?" Finn asks in front of the entire school! Omg
"Yes!" You cheer in happy
His bff jack whistles and so happy for best friend Finn.
The night of prom he picks you up you are wearing something and so is he is wearing one too. When you arrive to the school prom with your boyfriend Finn wolfhard from stranger things and it and that dog movie and that Addams family remake and that other one and that one with the Russian guy you are so nervous! He says in your ear "baby let's go dance and fun" and you are not worried anymore! You are dancing and then you get him your kiss. Omg he tastes like cheese. He says you taste like pussy. But you are not a lebin girl. After the kiss you dance more and he says "I love you y/n" wtf he love you and you say it back sorry

Little bitch boy Finn wolfhard x reader(y/n) Where stories live. Discover now