Chapter 6.

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Third person, P.O.V

Mia had danced a full night, she had smiled so much through the whole thing her face began to hurt. Mia looked around for that one last person she promised a dance. She frowned and pushed her way through the crowds of people trying to get to the door of the great hall.

"Um... Mia could you honor me with a dance?" Ron asked startling Mia, she stared for a minute and Ron began to frown. "It's alright, you don't have to." He said and began to walk away. Mia snapped out of her trance and grabbed Ron's wrist. "Of course I will dance with you!" She exclaimed and Ron turned to her shocked. "I was just a little startled is all!" Mia said and pulled Ron out onto the floor, Ron looked really nervous and Mia brushed a finger across his frown. "Don't frown, relax and just have fun." Mia told him, he nodded and began the dance.

The boy with so many who hated him looked at Mia sadly. "I am so sorry." He whispered and turned away leaving the great hall, he was going to ruin her night, he just knew it.

When Mia's dance with Ron finished she nodded slightly to him. She made a beeline straight for the great hall door's hoping she didn't get interpted again. She made it safely out the door and ran to the Gryffindor common room. Mia went up to the fat lady, she looked completely horrified, Mia thought something was behind her but she was too afraid to turn around and look.

Mia turned around and was slammed against a wall. The gray eyes Mia was staring into had to be Sirius Black's no mistaking it. "What is the password?" He asked threateningly. Mia chuckled softly and relaxed in his grip, she knew he wouldn't hurt her. "And why would I ever tell you that?" Mia asked and Sirius Black pressed a knife to her throat, his eyes travled down to the necklace of the dog with paw prints around it. "Gomisia." Sirius whispered and picked up the necklace a sorrowful expression on his face. It quickly became a growl and his hand gripped Mia's throat tightly cutting off her air passage. "Where did you get that necklace!? Where?" Sirius all but yelled. Gomisia finally got her wand out from the small pocket she had made for her wand.

Gomisia tried too say something but her throat was being held to tightly. She hacked and Sirius let go of her throat realizing he had been choking her. "Stupify!" Gomisia choked out her wand pointed at Sirius. Gomisia fell to the floor gasping for breath, her lungs had been burning and she didn't even realize it.

Sirius laid on the floor dazed. He couldn't believe he had attacked a student like that, he was also startled she had her wand on her during a dance like this, most people would have left it in their rooms thinking a a nusience to carry around... But Sirius didn't see her holding a wand before either. As Sirius slowly sat up he saw the girl escaping into the Gryffindor common room. He even attacked a Gryffindor like that, his house, his family! Sirius stood up and ran down the halls of hogwarts dissapearing like smoke.

 Mia leaned against the wall her head spinning, her lungs burning. She heard foot steps and pointed her  wand in the direction, the common room was dark and Mia couldn't see anything. "Lumos." She whispered and the tip of her wand lit brightly showing Purcey weasley. Mia jumped slightly and lowered her wand from it's threatening position. "Purcey." Mia whispered softly, Purcey spotted the hand marks on Mia's neck that where already starting to bruise. "Mia... What happened?!" Purcey asked frantically and tears pooled in Mia's eyes. She dropped her wand and flew into Purcey's arms. All she could do for minutes after was cry uslessly.

Mia finally looked up at Purcey and sniffed her tears having calmed down. "It... It was Sirius Black, it wasn't that it even hurt horribly... But he.. He is my father! He didn't even know me." Mia choked out her tears coming back. "I'm so sorry." Purcey said trying to comfort her. Mia gripped the front of Purcey's shirt pressing her face into his chest. "I'm sorry." Mia whispered and Purcey wrapped his arms around her. "It's alright to cry, I won't hold it against you." Purcey told her and rested his head on her silky hair.

The portrait door slammed open and Purcey looked up, Mia pulled away and turned too see who came in. She was met with the sight of her very shocked friends. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Oliver, Neville, Seamus, Fred, George, Luna, Ect. Oliver spotted the bruised hand marks on Mia's neck and pulled her closer. "What happen!?" Oliver asked upset and Mia smiled her eyes glazed.

"It was him." She whispered and everyone gasped. "It was Sirius Black?" Harry asked and Mia nodded softly touching her neck. "He had no idea who I was." Mia said and started laughing as tears streaked down her face. "My own father attacked me! He had no idea who I was." Mia said clearly in shock. Hermione pulled her into a hug and started leading her to their room. As soon as they entered Mia's bed Hermione stripped Mia and gave her pjs to put on, Hermione followed suit and they both laid on the large comfy bed. Mia sniffled and Hermione hugged her, Mia was so grateful that she had Hermione as a friend. Someone who would just comfort her and not say a word. Mia fell into a deep sleep unaware of the owl waiting paitently out side to deliever her a letter.

Sirius ran through the black forest beating himself up over the whole attacking a student thing. Sirius started to think about his fieance who was killed that night, he thought about his daughter Gomisia and her sweet little laugh. Sirius then started to curse Peter, curse the rat that took everything away from him all in an instent. His friends, his wife to be, and his amazing little daughter. Sirius stopped and panted his tongue lolling out of his dog mouth trying to cool his body, Sirius turned around and headed for the whomping willow where he could get to the shreiking shack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2012 ⏰

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