-Chapter one-

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"Hurry up you two! Do you want us to get caught?" Steve quietly asked.

"Yeah Steve, because Rose and I want to go through that again," Bucky answered, rolling his eyes.

"He's got a point. I'd rather not go through that again." I said with a smile on my face. I could see Bucky softly smile out of the corner of my eye. Steve let out a sigh. He knows that I don't mind making jokes about what happened a few years ago.

Around a few years ago, I was on a mission with Steve. Something went wrong and I got kidnapped by Hydra. You've probably heard of The Winter Soldier. I was like him. I was basically a mind-controlled slave who killed people for 'the greater good of the world' according to Hydra. One day I went on a mission with three other people. It was going fine until one of the guys, Jax, got shot. Long story short, I found out I had powers and that Hydra was keeping them a secret from me and I slowly started to remember my life before Hydra and got out of there. I will admit, I went overboard, killing everyone who was there, but they deserved it. They were bad people.

Then, a few years later, Steve found me. I was on the run, hiding from Hydra and the world. I remembered the Avengers and everything, but I didn't want to go back to them. I was afraid that they wouldn't accept me because I still had forgotten a lot. Steve told me he understood and said he wouldn't tell the team that he found me. He said he would wait until I was ready. He would come over every other day and he would help me remember things. He also kept me updated on what was going on at the tower and what everyone was up to.

After a few weeks, I decided that I was comfortable and wanted to go see the team. They were extremely happy to see me. Once they found out that Steve knew where I was for a few weeks, they looked like they were about to kill him. I explained to them that I asked him to keep it a secret and they all understood.

Ever since then, it's been nice. The team helped me remember what I still didn't know and they all stayed with me and helped train me. They freaked out when they found out I had powers. It was a shock and they were worried that Hydra could make someone like me, with powers. I reassured them and let them know that that wouldn't happen. The situation was taken care of. They never asked about it. They knew what had happened and that I probably wouldn't talk about that. What they did to me and what I did was the only thing I wouldn't talk about. They respected that, and I'm grateful for it.

"Bucky, you and Rose get the files and put it on this flash drive," Steve said, handing me a black flash drive with the Shield logo on it. "I'll cause a distraction so you can get over to the computers." He said getting up and quickly running towards a group of Hydra agents. He started attacking them while Bucky and I quickly ran over to the computers.

"Bucky, cover me," I said when I got to the computer. I inserted the flash drive and looked for the file. I found it and started downloading it onto the drive. Just then, I heard gunshots.

I quickly turned around and saw Bucky shooting at some Hydra agents. I sighed and grabbed my gun and aimed it at the agents. I shot at them and quickly took them down. I turned to the computer to check the progress.

"How much longer?" Bucky yelled over the gunfire.

"It's at 67% so about a minute," I said back. I could hear Bucky mumble something under his breath.

"Rose, do you have any ammo? I'm out." He said quickly.

"Yeah, the top pocket on my left," I replied to him quickly. I didn't look at him, but I could feel him unbutton the pocket and grab the ammo. I heard the sound of him reloading his gun and the sound of a few shots quickly followed. I checked the progress on the flash drive, It read, 89% complete.

I heard the large metal doors open on my right and I quickly grabbed my gun and fired at the agents. I quickly took them down and looked back at the computer. All the information had been loaded onto the flash drive.

"It's done," I said to Steve as I quickly grabbed the flash drive and slipped it into my pocket.

"Great now get out of there." I heard him over the coms. I looked over to my left and saw Bucky fighting a few agents. One of them fired a shot at him, but he quickly moved his right arm so the bullet would hit it and not him. I guess That's one of the perks of having a metal arm.

An agent was on the ground and I could see him move his arm gradually, aiming at Bucky. The movement was so minor he didn't see it. Thankfully I did and I shot him before he took the shot. Bucky instantaneously turned around and looked at me.

"Thanks," He said walking towards me.

"No problem now let's get out of here," I said turning around, starting to walk towards the door to the exit. I kept my gun close to me, ready to attack as we left the base.

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