-Chapter two-

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We returned safely to the Avengers tower and met Fury for a briefing on the mission. After that, the three of us went down to the lounge to hang out. We argued over a movie for a few minutes but eventually decided on Heathers.

"I don't understand this movie," Steve started, "Why would Veronica be okay with JD killing Heather Chandler? Is she not even a tiny bit suspicious?" I sighed.

"Well if you were here you would probably just think it's an accident," I said to him, looking away from the movie. "Besides it even looks like an accident."

"Yeah, but-"

"Steve," Bucky warned, "Just be quiet and watch the movie."

We finished the movie and I checked the time. It was 7:15. I was leaning against Bucky and my feet were in Steve's lap. Wanda walked in and looked at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. Wanda has been doing this for a while now. Whenever I'm with Bucky she will give me a look. She says that we are perfect for each other. I don't get how. Don't get me wrong Bucky is amazing, but he wouldn't like me. I've explained it to her but she still says he likes me. I doubt it, but I've learned that she won't give up. So, I just ignore her most of the time.

I got up out of my cozy spot on the couch and went into the kitchen. I put the popcorn bowl we had and put it in the skink. I could feel a pair of eyes on me so I turned around to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes.

"The movie was good. You have a nice taste in stuff like that." Bucky said to me.

"Thanks, Heathers is a classic and it's one of my favorite movies," I responded moving towards a cupboard next to him. I opened it and grabbed a water bottle. I walked over to the refrigerator and filled it up with water.

"Training?" Bucky asked.

"Yep, want to join me?" I asked back. He shifted his weight on his foot.

"Yeah, I'm going to change." He answered,

"Ok, I'll meet you down there," I said as he nodded his head as we went our separate ways.

Bucky aimed a punch at me, but I swiftly caught his hand before it could make contact with my face. He used his metal arm and grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. I moved my leg to kick his feet out from under him. He fell to the ground and I straddled him. I pinned his hands above his head so he couldn't attack me. I smirked and was about to say something when he moved his body and flipped me over, so he was on top of me. He leaned down close to my ear.

"I win." He whispered. It sent chills down my spine. I just stayed there staring at him for a second. His crystal blue eyes staring back into mine. We stayed like this for a few seconds before he got off me.

I looked around the training room and noticed Wanda giving me the same look she gave me earlier. She held out my water bottle as I walked towards her.

"He is so into you," She said quietly so he couldn't hear.

"He is not. Besides even if he was it doesn't matter because I don't like him like that." I said to her.

"Keep telling yourself that Rose." She said walking away with a smirk on her face,

"What was that about" I heard Bucky say from behind me. I quickly turned around and faced him.

"Nothing," I said quickly. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't believe me. Thankfully he didn't ask anything else.

"Ok, it's late so I'm going to head upstairs." He said. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 11:26. I don't know how it even got that late. Bucky and I said our goodnights and parted ways to our rooms.

My eyes shot open and my breathing was heavy. I took a second and calmed down my breathing. It happened again, for the third time this week. I keep having these nightmares about my time at Hydra. There about me killing innocent people or people I love, like the team. But something about this one was different this time. It felt real, almost like I was there. Then it hit me. It wasn't a dream. What I saw had happened, and it wasn't a good thing.


So I have decided that I am going to post a new chapter every Friday! Thank you for reading this chapter of Stay With Me, I hope you enjoyed!

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