chapter 3

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"Oh... H-hey Lou..."
Lou all of a sudden grabed y/n wrist and started to walk to his machen.
"H-hey let go you jerk!" Y/n said loudly.
Lou looked at you slightly then went back to looking forward.
Once y/n and lou were in the machen y/n asked,
"What the heck dude!? I can walk my self!"
Lou chuckled a bit.
"What do you want?" Y/n asked annoyed and angry.
"Needed to talk..."
"About what?"
"A few thangs... Like how you said no and you decided to hang out with an ugly!"
"You mean N-Nolan?"
"Yes... Why are you talking to him!? Hes a UGLY DOLL! You are not!"
You breathe in.
"I dont juge dolls on looks!"
"You should..."
Y/n rolls her eyes and really wanted to slap lou.
"Did you want to talk about anything else?"
"Yes... Yes i did."
"Why did u refuse my offer?"
You looked lou in the eyes and gave lou a look.
"Because im not a self absest doll and i dont like looking pretty!"
Lou looked at y/n in disbelief.

Lou's pov:
"Wait she doesnt like looking pretty...!?" I blinked.
"How interesting..." I thought this quietly to myself.
"Sigh! Bye mr. Perfect!"
"Sorry doll! Got distracted..."
"I have a name you know! So dont call me doll!"

Lou started to walk away the said
"Stay right there!"
Y/n rolled her eyes.
Lou came back with a paper.
"Your name is y/n... Right?"
"Yes... How'd you know?"
"I have my ways... I just have a question..."
"Can you not train?"
"W-what, why!?"
"Because i dont want a perfect doll like you in the wash."
You sighed and agreed because you didnt want to argue.
"Bye mr."perfect"!" You said sarcasticly.

Lou pov:
"Cute...." I thought with a smile.
"To bad shes stubern..." I sighed. "Well gotta make sure the uglys dont pass."
I walked out of the manchen. And started making sure moxy and her friends don't pass.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" Y/n said under her breathe.
All of a sudden y/n bumped into another doll.
"Oh my gosh im so sorry! I wasnt looking were i was going an-"
"Y/n relax its only me."
Y/n opened her eyes to see nolan.
"Oh my doll im so sorry Nolan!"
Y/n got up and put her hand out for Nolan to help him get up.
Lou sall this and was irritated.
He sighed and got a marker and drew a line on moxys back.

Y/n and nolan talked for awile then it got dark.
"Oh gotta go bye nolan! See you Tommorow!"
"Bye y/n!"
You got home and got ready for bed.
"Today wasnt that bad..." And in 2 days is the godlet!"
You said exidently.
"Cant wait!"

*sorry this would have been sooner but i had homwork to do so i had to stop. Sorry if bad grammer or anything else! This is my 1st story. Fan art is allowed just send me it!*

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