Chapter 1

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            It was a windy and thunderous night when Rosette awoke in a cold sweat. Her heart pounding in her ears, tingles running down her spine. It was her "birthday" and she was dreading it. Her foster family tried to care as much as they could about her, but they couldn't help but find her weird. Oh how she hated that word. All she wanted to do was fit in. Any time she cut her hair, it would grow back down to her knees, and if she tried dying it, it just went back to being purple and green. She was never told about her parents, all she knew was that they were dead, and she was a Black. She was bounced around from foster home to foster home because she always had "accidents". No one knew how they happened, but they normally involved snakes and fire. She had to be taken out of public schools after all the death threats, they called her murderer, a freak, weird. On her last day at her school, she had had enough of the names. One minute everything was calm, and the next, snakes were coming out of the vents. Since that day she hated the word weird with a burning passion.


Cold was the night and Lonessa was sound asleep till a thunderous crash befell upon her house, she shot awake with a loud scream and in ran her parents with a paranoid expression on there face, "Nessa are you ok? Where is the monster?!" Said her mother pulling out a sword that was originally her wand.

"It's nothing mom, it was just a bad dream, plus the thunder."

Her father Logan walked over and sat on the side of her bed and explained why she shouldn't be afraid of thunder and half way through his explanation she nodded off and was soon back to sleep. Vanessa giggled and wrapped her arms around Logan and whispered in his ear, "You really are good at putting people to sleep."

"Don't be rude. Aren't we passed the age of child's play?"

"You're never too old to do name calling, it's not just for kids."

The parents exit the room and went back to sleep and while Lonessa tried to remain asleep so that she can avoid her fathers lecture on proper sleeping habits.

Soon night turned to day and the sun rose over the small Hundred-Acre 🍯 town and it was officially Lonessa's tenth birthday. And in came her mother singing Happy Birthday and dancing around her room in a grand gesture, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Lonessa was floating and giggling in the air. She liked her Birthday, for it was the one day of the year where she didn't need to repress her magic because her parents would take her to the wizarding world and she would use her magic freely and cast proper spells. But there were some aspects of her birthday that she dreaded, she never liked getting gifts, she liked them and appreciated them but she found the whole thing awkward. Due to her being teased for being a freak she grew up with low self-esteem because it was hard for her to make friends, people would see her as a freak, a bad omen, a bad luck charm. She never had good control over her powers at first, so she often had uncontrollable power surges when she felt a certain way. Like when she was happy small pretty flowers would appear or when she's sad storm clouds would appear, when she was scared it would start to snow when she's mad a lightning storm will appear. And because of that people avoided her, and her appearance was kind of strange, her hair was long and curly but it had a stream of grey going down the side of it, her eyes were brown and blue with stars for irises. Her mother adored that part about her, she saw her daughter as a star and her eyes where proof. The only person that didn't fear her or avoided her was her best friend Rosette. Once they got home her father picked up the mail and saw that there was a letter from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Logan dropped the rest of the mail and ran inside the house, he even dropped his 50% off crofters jam card that's how one knows how important it is.

"Lonessa! Vanessa! Look what came inside the mail!"

Vanessa entered the room with Lonessa following close behind her, Vanessa took one look at the letter in Logan's hand, she screamed at the top of her lungs in excitement and she grabbed the letter from Logan's hand and she was jumping up and down in excitement.

"What is it?" Lonessa asked covering her ears.

"It's your letter from Hogwarts!" Vanessa cheered


"Really." Logan said with a prideful grin.

"We need to get you packing then we need to head straight to Diagon alley to pick up what you need."

"Today's the day? I'm not dreaming?"

Lonessa couldn't contain her excitement and the next thing her parents knew the entire house was covered in flowers. But with a quick flick of the wrist Logan got rid of the flowers. And after a few minutes of celebrating the three set off to Diagon Alley to retrieve everything that was needed for the upcoming school year. And as the three was walking through the road of Diagon Alley Lonessa heard a familiar cheerful voice, "Lonny!"

And out of nowhere Lonessa was tackled into a hug by nun-other then her friend Roette.

"Rosey? What are you doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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