chapter three

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Somehow, we had found ourselves in Sadie's car, that sweet Mustang I never thought she'd ever get rid of. A song, our song as we would refer to it years later, played loudly through the speakers.

          Sadie was screaming, lungs expanding and contracting as she sang to Big Brother & The Holding Company's "Piece of My Heart". I laughed at her, she laughing along with me when she could catch her breath. We had been driving around for only the duration of this song as an idea popped into my head.

          "We should go back!" I shouted over the music.

          "What?" Sadie yelled back.

          Lowering the music, I repeated myself, "We should go back! It's our senior prom. Do you really want to remember it like this?"

          "Singing in my car with my new best friend? Yeah, I think I'm okay with that."

          I rolled my eyes playfully at her. I doubted she'd ever speak to me again after tonight.

          "Sadie, we're going back. At least for one song! Come on, think about it, you can even request it. Whatever you want." I tried to persuade her.

          I watched her face as she thought about it.

          She looked at me unsurely, "This shit really means that much to you?"

          I nodded and pouted my lip. Sadie laughed and turned back to the road. She switched gears and sped faster down the road as I cheered happily. We quickly parked and soon enough, the two of us were running into the building, dresses pulled up into our hands. We walked through the doors, down the long hallway and into the gym where our peers danced heavily to some techno beat. Sadie's face scrunched up in disgust at them and I shoved her lightly.

          "Lighten up, Sadie!"

          She looked at me and rolled her eyes, "This shit is garbage. Thank god you dragged me back here, I'm going to save these people from themselves."

          I watched her walk off to the DJ's Booth and say something to him. He shook his head, but she would not be denied. Soon enough, the two were laughing and she kissed his cheek as she made her way back to me.

          "Alright! Our song's up next."

          "Our song?" I asked incredulously.

She nodded and grabbed my hand. I was being dragged somewhere, fearfully. We made our way around a few tables, to the very back corner of the gym where a group of seven were seated. The pretty blonde standing in shaggy haired boys' arms, suddenly perked up at the sight of us coming towards her. She was quick to leave the boys arms and bear hug Sadie who let go of my hand to hug her.

          "Holy shit, Sadie! You scared the shit out of me! Where the hell did you go, I looked all over for you?!" The blonde said exasperatedly.

Her face was a mixture of anger and worry as she folded her arms over the strapless baby blue dress she wore. The rhinestones glittered all throughout the dress as it hugged her slim figure.

Sadie waved off her concern, "I'm fine. K and I just went to Torri's for a bit."

The blondes face curled into confusion which quickly morphed into anger as she peered over at me, "Oh good! I'm glad you took a stranger to our spot!"

"Ease up, Carley. Sadie's okay, that's all that matters." A shoulder length haired brunette piped up from the lap of a slightly built junior with blonde hair and dark roots that curled around his ears.

The blonde girl, Carley, glared over at the brunette, calling, "Shut up, Natalie!"

Natalie proceeded to roll her eyes and stand up, the guy whose lap she was sitting on followed after her as she came over to me.

"Sorry about Miss Teen Gossip! She's just worried and projected her negative energy at you. Don't pay attention." Natalie smiled reassuringly at me.

I smiled back but had absolutely no idea what she meant by negative energy.

Luckily, I didn't have to embarrass myself by asking as the guy beside her chimed in, "Nat's Wiccan. I can't understand half the shit she's saying either."

Natalie elbowed him and he smiled down at her, kissing her quickly before looking back at me, "I'm Tyler by the way."

Before I could reply, Sadie was grabbing my arm excitedly.

"Dude, this is the song! Come on!"

I was dragged after her, Natalie and Tyler following after us. We made our way to the dance floor and started to dance along with the others. I laughed at Sadie's choice of song. Talk about cliché, I mused. "Surrender" by Cheap Trick filled the gym as Sadie sang loudly to it, just as she had in the car.

I payed no mind to the people giving us looks as we danced like idiots. Soon, we were joined by Carley, the shaggy haired guy I assume is her boyfriend, a tall guy with wild curly black hair and gauges, the small girl with a fashionable bob cut that sat beside him at the table, and another boy with breathtaking hazel eyes with a toothy grin to match.

I looked away from the others who joined our small group and looked at Sadie who smiled wildly at me. She looked carefree, a drastic change compared to what she resembled when we ran into each other in the bathroom.

We ended up staying for therest of the night. Song after song, we danced like it was the first and lasttime we would ever do so. It was liberating and still is one of the best nightsof my life, just as ones senior prom should be.

classic rock and other things we weren't supposed to be intoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu