Miss Mastermind's Aggress. (Part 1)

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Ash is standing about 30 feet away from Zero, facing each other. Miss Mastermind was standing away, out of sight. "Go on, kill him!" Miss Mastermind said, her voice booming, and coming from everywhere. "S-shut up!" Ash yelled, not knowing where to yell, and trying not to let Miss Mastermind take full control. Zero just stood there, not knowing what to do, his eyes full of fear, fearing for Ash. Ash on the other hand, started to shake, of worry, and stress, before falling to her knees still shaking. Zero started to run up to her, but then stopped. What if Ash was still controlled? Why would it matter, she is still your friend, isn't she? These thoughts went through Zero's head. Ash was still on her knees, on the street, with a black cloud across and over them. It was in the evening, and the sun was setting, the sunset was pretty, but the worry and panic, was not. Ash slowly lifted her head up, still on her knees, her once pretty light purple eye was now dark blue, almost like Miss Mastermind's. Zero froze, not knowing what to do. Ash's white eye was still white, but the longer you looked at Ash's now dark blue eye, the more it looked like Miss Mastermind' "S-stop it! Stop hurting her!" Zero yelled. Ash just laughed insanely, and not her laugh at all. "You really think your dumb little words are going to help now?!" Ash said, her booming, but it wasn't her voice it was Miss Mastermind's. But there was a small faint voice that came from nowhere, and everywhere. "H-help me." It sounded like Ash's voice, but she sounded like she was in pain. Zero heard this small voice, thought, maybe it was working "T-this isn't you, Ash!" Zero said. "H-help me." The voice got louder, and sounded like she was in more pain, then last time. "There is nothing you can do, Zero!" Miss Mastermind said though Ash's body. Miss Mastermind, using Ash's body, charges at Zero. Zero kind of jumps, but Ash still got a hold of Zero. Zero had terror his eyes, he was breathing very hard and fast, he didn't know what to do. Ash, (really Miss Mastermind, using Ash's body.) stabbed him in the shoulder, and dragged the knife across his chest, as Ash smiled insanely. He squeaked in pain, but it was more like a scream, and a screech put together. But then all of a sudden, she stopped, she pulled the knife out of Zero's chest, and fell over onto her back. Zero put his arm over where he had been cut, and run up to Ash. Miss Mastermind's quirk doesn't last long, however, she can make her victims feel pain. "Oow" Ash said softly, still laying on her back, Miss Mastermind had done a lot of damage to Ash, but she was free. Zero runs up to Ash, who was barely breathing. "A-ash?" Zero asked, his voice was shaky, and filled with worry. "..." No reply, from Ash, her breathing was bare, and soft she could stop breathing at any second.......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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