The Way It Has To Be

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Authors Note Incoming!

Hi there! My name is Minx and this is Éternel: Wings of Fire, a book about BTS and dragons combined. What could be better than seven Korean boys and a bunch of flying reptiles?

Nothing, exactly!

Let's get into it boys and gals \ (••) /

•·.·''·.·• THE WAY IT HAS TO BE •·.·''·.·•

As my eyes slowly peeled open, I began to feel the warmth of the sun's rays falling onto my skin. My sight had quickly adjusted to focus on the brightness of the pastel sunset plastered across the sky, thin clouds trailing along the soft hue above. I groaned and diverted my gaze, moving my head to the side to avoid the sunlight only to feel the blades of grass tickling the skin on my cheeks. My head turned for itself and I saw two people lying just a couple feet away from me. I propped myself up on my elbows only to fall back onto the ground again due to the sharp pain shooting through my shoulder and back.

Standing up slowly, I observed my surroundings to see a total of seven familiar people lying scattered around the area. Seven very familiar people. Ignoring the pain rushing through my body, I cursed under my breath and rushed over to the person closest to me.

"Jin? Jin!" I gasped, dropping down to Seokjin's limp body, vigorously shaking him. "Come on, come on." Only a few seconds passed when he suddenly jolted up, his breath heavy and scattered. With a soft sigh I dropped my chin to my chest in relief, thanking the heavens that he was alive.

"Maya? What... what happened?" Seokjin questioned after finally catching his breath.

"I don't kn-" I quickly cut myself off with a soft gasp as I recognized the environment around us, a huge castle standing strongly before us, the aura surrounding me all too familiar. "Oh my gods."

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I looked around to see six of my other friends lying in the grass, limbs sprawled and bodies appearing lifeless. "Help me wake them up."

Seokjin nodded and stood up, rushing over to Jungkook to tap his cheek a couple of times, causing him to abruptly jerk awake. I moved over to Namjoon who was lying on his side. I checked for his heartbeat, and once I made sure he was actually alive and breathing, I lightly shook him. His eyes shot open and he sat up, moaning as he held his head.

"Maya, what's going on?" Namjoon inquired. "Where are we?"

"Shh, don't stress about that now. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked. He responded with a low grunt as he clutched his side, but he declined my help and gently pushed my hand away when I attempted to look at whatever he was hiding.

"I'm fine," He said as his breathing began to regulate.

"Okay. I need you to wake Hoseok up."

"He's with us too?"

"All eight of us are together. Now, please, go help him. I'll get Yoongi." He nodded and stood up quickly, jogging over to Hoseok, who was already awake, but obviously freaking out. I crawled over to Yoongi and hurriedly shook his body, but he didn't react in the slightest. I tried everything in my power to wake him up, but he laid still and motionless, barely breathing.

"Shit, you're bleeding," I heard Namjoon curse.

"He's not waking up," I said, desperation filling my voice. I clutched onto Yoongi's shirt as tears spilled down my face, landing on the soft skin of his arm. His eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up, his hand reaching up to the back of my neck with his nails creating crescent shaped dents in my skin.

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