Chapter 2

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Okay so we just got off our flight and we're in our car to go to the hotel.
We are unpacking our bags and going to get dressed for the meet and greet tonight.
OH MY FRICKING FUDGE's packed. Lilly and I both got in line. I said. "OH MY GOSH IT'S MY HUSBAND NASH" well I said that in my mind I didn't want to sound too perky. Nash was wearing a red flannel shirt and gosh that made his beautiful blue eyes pop. I was in line and we were almost there. I was crying so hard. I was finally there. Nash hugged me tight and I didn't want to let go but I did I didn't want to be one of those clingy fan girls that probably drive them nuts. He kissed me on the cheek and my face glanced in red powdery cheeks. So did his that made me almost faint. He said I was beautiful and I said not as much as you are. He smiled and then the stupid security came in and ruined the whole thing. I met up with Lilly because she was meeting her favorite Carter or should I said CARTAH...LOL. So we met the rest of the guys and then we went to the venue. I asked can you twerk. Security said no it's "inappropriate" JERKS. We got some merchandise which man that was expensive but we bought it anyways cause DUH they're our freaking baes, our future husband *plays Dear Future Husband (Meghan Trainer) We finally left but I was disappointed that we had to leave. I wish we could've stayed forever and I knew that in a few days summer break is over and stupid school here we come. At least we don't have biology or anything because we don't have to take that until 10th grade and right now were freshmen so yeah. Well going to be in a couple of days. Okay so again we go back to the hotel go to our room and we just chillaxed for a little while but then we went to Starbucks. GUESS WHO WAS THERE??No FAM TOUR BÆS cause that's only in youtube stuff and not for us uncool people that live in Pittsburgh. Anyway we got back watched some Christmas movies. (DONT JUDGE US WE KNOW ITS STILL SUMMER) So we got the pizza and watched some Netflix and stalked the boys' twitters,vines,Instagram and basically any of their social media pages they have and yeah.We went downstairs just to go in the lobby to wait

To be continued.....

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