Chapter 1: Resistance

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Music blared into my ears as my body tried to focus on staying upright. The body pressed behind me was making it difficult to find any balance. I didn't care enough to turn around and look at who I was grinding against. I figured it was someone I had some sort of relations with in the past. No one ever approached me. I was apparently un-approachable. I terrified most guys my age and even older men were afraid of me. It was a curse and a gift all rolled into one. I tried to bring my hand up to wipe the sweat coming off my forehead but I found it difficult as one hand was stretched above me, holding onto whoever I was pressed against and the other was hugging a half drunken beer. I grew tired of the song that was playing loudly and my body buzz was slowly starting to disappear. I needed something stronger than beer. With out looking at the guy behind me, I ripped my body from his grasp and walked away, knowing I wouldn't be followed. 

It took me a few minutes to find any alcohol. The party started a couple of hours ago so the booze was wearing thin. Luckily, my friend Nikki was in the same vicinity and I knew she had her flask on her. I stumbled towards her as my feet tried to keep up with the rest of my body. I was no where near drunk, just pleasantly buzzed at the moment. 

"Rina!" She shouted as she saw me walk towards her. Her arms stretched out as she gave me a lazy hug. She was far more than buzzed. Nikki was only a hugger when she was drunk. "Where have you been hiding?!" 

"Dance floor!" I yelled back. "Do you have your flask?!" I was too far into my buzz to bead around the bush. 

She nodded excitedly as she dug around her jacket, fishing out a pink flask. "It's full!" That was her way of telling me I could drink as much as I wanted. "Who were you dancing with?!" 

I shrugged as I twisted the top off the flask, eager to drink something with more bite. "Some guy!" 

She flashed her pearly whites at me as she watched me take a swig of the liquid. "Was he hot?!" She asked. 

I swallowed and my eyes closed in pleasure as I was warmed by the whisky. "Never saw him but probably!" 

She laughed. Nikki loved how guys would always stare at me but never actually come up and talk to me. She would laugh at them because to her, I was just little ol' Rina. She was far more terrifying than I was, yet she was approachable. "He's at it again!" She said, gesturing the bodies flopped on the sofas to our right. "Girl number three!" 

My head turned slowly to see who she was talking about but I already had a feeling I knew who it was. I watched closely as he ran his hand through his long hair, a girl on his lap. She was blonde with a very short skirt and a low-cut top. She bared everything except her face which was caked with heavy foundation and thick lashes. I rolled my eyes. I really hated that kid. I hated his cheeky grin and his floppy hair and the slow way he talked. Most of all, I hated how attracted I was to him. I'd never met him but I think I did say sorry to him once when I bumped him at a party much like this one. I remember him swiftly checking me out before returning his attention to the body next to him. But there he was, clad in tight black jeans and a patterned dark blue button down. His buttons had been undone at the top, showing off his tattooed chest. He was insanely gorgeous. 

"Why does he have to look like a God?!" Nikki yelled into my ear. 

I rolled my eyes but still focused on the long haired guy in front of me. I shook my head and broke contact, letting my eyes find my best friend. "He's alright." I lied, mostly to myself. I didn't know him at all but I had seen him so many times at a party and watched him do what he does best without any fails. He was skilled. He knew how to talk to girls, how to act around them, and how to get them. The only real contact we have ever had was when I would pretend that I wasn't aware of him staring at me. He did stare at me a lot but he was just like every other guy here. He never approached me. He would stare and look away when my head went in his direction. I found the behavior strange considering who he was and what he did at these parties. I stared at him quite a bit myself. He was always the prettiest thing in the room. 

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes at me, calling me on my bullshit. "That's the third girl to sit on his lap tonight!" 

"Nik, you're practically stalking him!" I feigned shock. 

She shook her head. "No, just enjoying the view." She winked. 

I laughed, taking another swig of the flask. The music had grown louder and the bodies around has doubled. It was unsettling as I was being bumped every few seconds. "I'm gonna go take a breather!" I yelled, walking passed her. My head involuntarily turned back to the couch as I walked passed to see if he was still there. He was still there but this time his eyes had found mine. I was surprised to see him looking at me and he wasn't just looking at me. This kid was staring me down with furrowed brows as his lap friend attacked his neck. I blinked once to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. I wasn't. He was staring at me. I never stopped walking, only slowed down enough so we could have a staring contest. I let my body carry me towards the kitchen as a wall separated our eyes. I shook my head. Only he would stare at another girl while he already had one on his lap. 

I took a deep breath, the fall air soothing my lungs. It was a bit chilly but my body didn't mind it at all. It actually felt good. I slowly walked farther up the driveway so that I was in the back yard. No one else was around and it was quiet. I finally felt relaxed. I adjusted my dress a bit, pulling it down. It was one of my party dresses. I had many in my closet but I loved this one. It was maroon and skin tight, hugging me in all the right places. I loved the fact that it was long sleeved and that it was high up on my chest. I had this rule that if I was showing off my legs then I would cover up my chest and vice versa. It wasn't actually my rule, it was my moms. She always lectured me on what it meant to look sexy and classy rather than slutty and trashy. It was one of the very few life lessons of hers that I actually followed. Her other one was that a lady should never sleep with a guy on the first date. She never said anything about sleeping with him before the first date though. I smiled, picturing her reaction if I had said that to her. 


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I will mostly be focusing on Katarina's POV and Harry's, I'm sure you guys will figure out who the narrator is as you are reading. Enjoy! 

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