Chapter 1 - Killers

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Everywhere I go I am intimidated; you might think you know why but, I can promise you that you don't. It's way too complicated. Unfortunately, this is how it starts. When I was little I witnessed a lot of things that had petrify me.It could be so horrifying that you would not want it to happen to you or even your worst enemies. My family is not no ordinary family who goes for picnics and daily walks unfortunately, what they do is kill.

Yes, it is hard to believe but I come from a family of criminal masterminds who does this for a living but I don't know why until I found out the story after I witness my mother murdering someone. When I was little my mother told me this story over and over again. She said;

"Terra...,in 1929 your great great grandfather was having a hard time because of the stock market crash and what happen was he kept a secret stash of money under the board of his wooden house for financial purposes. He had a very good friend name Daniel Wattson who been a great friend until that one day. The next day 5 men came into his house took all the stash of his money and kidnapped his fiancé.Your great great grandfather wonder why they would do this to him and while he thought of it, 2 seconds later he remember the only person he told was Daniel. From all the greatest time he had with Daniel, he found out that Daniel had been jealous of him all his life.But after that he still was furious and went on a urge to kill everybody who took anything from him or anybody else and that's how our family begin."

My mother and father told me that all of this is normal and I am the next victim to be a killer.Secretly, I don't want to be a killer. I want to be a normal teenager but that could never happen.One reason why is because the whole district knows that we are a family of killers and at this time they are searching for us to put us to death.So basically I am living in a underground house, force to survive. I can't even walk out the house and go live a normal life, because the people would kidnap me and throw me in a river.

I don't know how my older siblings Calvin and Reese can handle it but, it is probably because they are experienced killers...

As Calvin enter into the room he was holding suspicious packages that made me wonder what is he going to do with it.As Calvin approach the door he turned around and looked at me and said "Who the heck you looking at" and he kept heading to the door.As I look at him I wanted so bad to throw something at him but I kept my peace and said nothing else after.

Calvin and I haven't been the greatest siblings because every time I talk to him he blows me off and act like I don't exist.It is probably because I said that I would never want to be like them and I want to be a normal human being but they are still acting stupid and they still don't understand.

Well, I'm not going to get work up about this, but sometimes I just want to go to the outside world and just yell everything that I'm so stressed about unfortunately, I'm weak and useless and I can't be normal...

As I walk into the kitchen I see my dad so excited and happy like nothing could ever wiped that smile out of his face.

He said "Terra tonight we are going to the Flesh Room for you can officially be united with us to become a killer."

As he said the last word killer it just make me have the urge to tell him that this is stupid and so ignorant the way we hide like cowards and don't take up our consequences but,as always he doesn't care.

I just don't know if I'm making the right decision to tell or bale but I guess it is coming sooner or later...

And I said "Dad this is not right, I'm tired of my life being jeopardised by you and mom. All you talk about is the day I get united and as always I don't care.

He looked at me with a dour face like he was going to make me do it with no doubt and he said "Terra I don't care what you want to be or do, it is not happening because when your under my house it's my rules.So stopped being a horrible daughter.

As I standed there and stare I said "And you need to stop being and vindictive and dispicable father that you are."And I left.From the corner of my eye I sure did wipe that smile out of his face.

For the first time I actually felt that I had power and I could do anything, but that feeling went away in like 2 seconds.

Red HandsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora