Chapter 6

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~You Are In A Piece Of Everyone's Story~

Everyone is struggling to remember their parts of the story. You however remembered good enough moments from each and everyone's stories.

Remember when the group was split up?

You managed to go to talk with every single Loser all on their own and spend a day or two with every one of them single-handedly. Just them. Not another Loser.

Even though is Bill is the leader. Sometimes you felt like you were, you were the leader. Since the other Losers probably didn't talk to each other. Especially Bill and Rich.

You already have a faint idea of what their tokens could be. But you may not be correct.

Beverly - Ben told you about the letter he wrote to her but Bev showed it to like it was a godlike love letter. You two gossiped about it, wondering who it could be instead of telling her it was Ben.

Richie - He loves video games so much. When you earned the sister-brother friendship, you got close with Richie. Giving you some deviousness to your persona for a while. Including the massive skill of video games almost every day. And to play a video game, you need a coin.

Eddie - It could be his inhaler. He needs it so much. Or at least when he was younger. So under pressure. Or stressed. Or scared. Sometimes, very rarely...if he ran too much and got tired, he would need it then too.

Stanley - It might be a church book? You didn't know his church life that well. You're not too sure, you don't think it'll be the bath cap.

Ben - Ben told you about how Beverly was the only one who signed her yearbook. You felt so bad that you didn't sign it either, but when Ben admitted he was kind of glad you did aka only having Bev's, this was the first discovery of his crush on her.

Mike - Mike got whacked in the face with Rock. Mike is very weird. Mike will pick Rock. Because why the fuck not.

Bill - He's been so attached to Georgie. That was your goal when you were in Summer. You kind of regret not taking part in EVERYONE'S opinion instead of looking to discover of Hope and Georgie. That...probably includes the paper boat. Since half the time he did not shut up about it and how he never should've made it, thus, Georgie would've been safe all along.

The Losers did say they didn't want to split up. And Mike did say that in order for the ritual to work. You need to do it alone. You wanted to go with them. Mike argued with you. Denied it was right.

But still managed to go with some of them.

You're definitely accompanying him.
He's like your brother. And you played video games so often. It's actually probably wise you accompany him.
She's your best friend. And being the only other girl that was in the group in summer made your friendship as strong as bedrock.
And Faith.
In order to understand how she's able to fit into the need to be with her to figure out why she could help out if she has a key to beating Pennywise. She may possibly be able to help out without the blood oath and she's your sister, you're gonna have to find out.

Honestly. It's a little bit nervous. Because you have to get your tokens, but it has to be their own memory. The wind, rustling through your hair. You and Beverly stand outside her building complex.

Losers Faith | (Sequal)Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now