What Actually Goes on in Dr. Poe's Class

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Ruby looked up at the door with the name Poe imprinted in large italic letters. Ruby pursed her lips and narrowed her eyebrows and thought about how this teacher was, well... a teacher. Ruby turned the handle on the door and stepped inside. The first thing she saw was that there were rows of large tables and chair, all aligned and facing the front of the classroom where the teacher's desk was. The tables and chairs were made of a fine dark wood and looked very elegant and classic. One of the walls wasn't even a wall, it was just a large pan of glass that shown a great view of the giant field outside. At the teacher's desk was a rather large crow that used the back of his chair to rest on, but his back was facing the empty classroom as he wrote on a chalkboard that sat on the back wall. He heard the door behind Ruby close and turned his entire body to look at her.

Ruby got a clearer vision of him now, he wore a top hat and a purple gentle mans cape, under was a dress shirt and he had a monocle.

"Hello my dear." said the crow. "I don't believe I recognize you."

"Um, my name is Ruby Gloom, I'm a new student here." Ruby said.

"Ah well hello there Ruby Gloom. You may call me Dr. Poe, as do all my students." Dr. Poe, or Poe said. "Welcome to history class, today we are learning about the great poet Edgar Allen Poe."

"Well uh, that sounds fun." Ruby slightly smiled.

"Yes, quite so." Poe said before turning back to the board. "Go ahead and take a seat anywhere, the class shall be starting soon."

"Okay..." Ruby said as she walked to a table that was closest to the windows in the front row. Ruby took a seat and watched Poe write on the board. It was silent for a few moments as Ruby awkwardly waited for class to begin.

"You're rather properly behaved compared to the rest of my students." Poe said not looking away from the board.

"Oh um... How's that?" Ruby asked curiously.

"My student have a tendency to misbehave." Poe said. "It's a shame really, a majority of this class don't even show up as early as you do, a few of them don't even come to class on time."

"Oh wow." Ruby said surprised. 

"But it doesn't really matter though." Poe said. "Tardy students are the least of my problems. At least they behave and act respectfully."

"Well that's good." Ruby said. Soon after their conversation, student started coming in the room. Some of odd species but of a friendly manner. One girl's skin was covered in craters that every once in awhile emitted steam, and her cranium was rather large. Another student was a young shy boy, his pupils stretched across his eyes, and his arms, legs, feet had were covered in hair like legs in which stuck to surfaces, and he had odd insect legs that came from his back. Whenever he got scared, he'd flinch and climb up the wall like a spider. Many more students came to class and filled in all the seats, all but one.

"Ah glad to see many of my loyal students." Poe said looking around the room at everyone, but he then noticed the one empty seat in the front row. "All but one." The class was silent for a little bit, Poe didn't start class yet, as if he was waiting for the last student. But the bell rang and everyone was surprised. Poe looked down and sighed.

"That's what I thought. I could never trust her to come in on time." Poe said face palming himself. "Well never mind students, we'll just start class. So today students we'r-"

Finally the door of the room opened and slammed shut quickly. The whole class looked over at the door to see the last student leaning against the door out of breath. Ruby looked over at this girl and looked at her appearance. Her hair was a jet black and her skin was beyond white, and, she had only a single eye.

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