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I stepped outside at dawn half awake as usual I sat down on a small bench at  my mother's favorite spot outside in hope to sleep more even if it's just ten minutes, but the weather isn't helping at all, very cold as usual, the insects around were chipping loudly and chickens squeaking I could see my hens inside their little house..

I didn't  want anything to spoil my mood today but first thing first, i need to catch more sleep before proceeding to do anything...well I slept a bit late last night..

After what seems like a minute or two,i heard my older brother greeted my mother, like a person who had been injected suddenly I stood up looking for the broom to sweep but i couldn't find one..'arrgh stupid me'

"Mami ekaaro"(mother good morning)

"Kaaro oko mi, so sun daada?"(good morning my dear, i hope you slept well?) she asked eying me suspiciously

"Mami,you don't need to ask her obviously she slept so well even more than enough" my brother replied laughing sarcastically which really made me angry, he is so fond of teasing me and mother would never support me when i report him of his sarcastic attitude towards me... anyways i love him like that..

Mami is a gentle soul, so gentle that sometimes i usually think she's bewitched or probably a fool..well I have my reasons for thinking so, she a very hardworking woman and she tried well by impacting that hard work  into her children..
Most times my grandmother would say she has never met a person with a pure heart as mami and she had no single problem while raising her..

"Yes mami, I slept very well" I replied rolling my eyes at my brother..

Brother Toyin can be so annoying, infact he is very annoying, he is the first fruit of my mother and I am the second child, i also have a younger brother called Ayomidimeji Which means am the only daughter my mother has and seriously i do not like the fact i do not have a younger sister...

"And why haven't you started sweeping,you know your morning duties yet you delayed in doing them" she said as she placed her hands on her hips gracefully...

I envy maami at times, she is a dark woman with a very smooth skin,one would think she uses expensive products to maintain her skin... she very curvy with a good backside, her hair is not a long one but very black and soft.. I wished I had taken part of mami's beauty but no, brother Toyin took it all, a replica of mami very cute and dark its not surprising that girls flock around him some even beat themselves up, and when I see that it really pisses me off and me?? I look absolutely like my father..

Speaking of my father, he is never there for us, mami said when brother toyin was five years old and i was just born, if I can remember vividly, mother said i wasn't even seven days old when father brought in another woman as his wife, she also said there was a time he brought a young lady much younger than mami and lied that the lady is his sister, the lady stayed for about a month and mami had to do her washing and cooking, finally untill mami caught them sleeping together  and since then he stopped talking responsibilities over us, he complained about mami being a bad luck to him and that he would have achieved more in life if only he hasn't gotten married to her,.. infact it was a daily ringtone of my father which is no news to us anymore  but mami never allowed her children to suffer, and I am really grateful to God for giving me a good and caring mother... literally she spoils me but sometimes she can be very strict..to some extent..

"Am sorry mami" giving her baby like face, she smiled at me and told me to be fast with my morning duties  as I was to go to her shop before her, when it comes to mami's shop she absolutely trust me with it, her money, her wares and any other things in the shop and I know for sure her sales girls do not like me but who cares? i also hate their guts, they would sit for hours gossiping about unnecessary things especially aunty ope, she has been working with my mother for years now, mami also trust her with the shop affairs but i do not like her one bit.. there is something fishy about her..

"Alright, be fast about it, i will be inside the kitchen, oh! that reminds me your father didnt come home last isn't it?"

"Mami, you should know the old man doesn't come home every Friday" bro toyin replied. Bro toyin hates father even much more than i do. We do not like that man.

"Toyin!, mother called, you should be mindful of things you say no matter what happens he is still your father ok?" Typical maami, she defends father no matter what in hope that father would change one day, even after everything, mami still cooks, wash, cloth and even give father money as he is jobless, countless of times mami has given him money to establish a business, one way or the other, he is unable to start the business, he prefers to gamble, drink alcohol and sleep around with women yet mami never stop giving him more! What? is this love or is mami actually bewitched?

"Ok mami, i understand" bro toyin said reluctantly

With that i brought out my tongue at bro toyin and rolled my eyes at him in hope that mami dosen't catch me..

while we were still discussing, father staggered inside the compound stinking of alcohol that's not surprising though..we watched as he entered as if we were plainly invisible..he almost fell down on his way inside only mami rushed to his side, I rolled my eyes at the sight of it

After a while mother assigned us to other chores and left to meet our father. 

I picked my broom to sweep  while bro toyin retreated inside the house, I thought about life, why am I so unlucky to have a father like this? Like any other person why can't i be proud of my father in public? What if mother doesn't care for us?  What would have become of us? Am left in qundary,  This questions I asked myself
I made a vow to myself never to marry a person like my father, it so unfortunate that a person like mami had to marry someone like father, I guess it's fate..
Mami has been playing a double role in our lives and I promised never to bring shame to her in any way, no matter what, i must make her be proud that she has raised a good daughter just like how my grandmother is proud of my mother.

After i finished sweeping and have done other chores,i made sure my hens were fed before i quickly dashed into the bathroom to have my bath..

Today is going to be a long day i thought within myself...

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"Mami"_ mother or my mother

"Oluwatoyin"_ God is worthy to be praised

Ayomidimeji_ my joy doubles

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