chapter 2

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This car ride is going to suffocate me the tension is so thick, he hasn't even looked at me. Why must I pretend to forget him? All of these thoughts running through my head scare me, I don't want to lose the only good thing I have with Desmond. 

"Got something on your mind?" Desmond asks looking at me,

"No" lies. I have lots of things on my mind, him. I look at him taking in all his facial and physical features, remembering the kiss we shared earlier; the way he tasted. Even when I was watching him with Jeremiah- his eyes glowing a blood rood and his muscles about o rip his own shirt- he was pissed, he couldn't kill him the first time around so all that pumped up energy was exhuming right to the surface. 

"Well I do, Right before you were shot with that tranquilizer I asked you on a date- you said yes. Is that still your answer?" He smirks. But all I feel is pain because I don't want to hurt him.

"You seem like a gentleman, but as far as I know- I just met you. Don't you think we should become friends first?" I want to cry for a thousand years in my pillow and not move a muscle- I can feel I sting in my heart from what I told him.

"I understand. But I made a promise- I'll do whatever it takes to make you remember me." Shit. How often do you meet a man like this in the world today? I was expecting him to be a total bad boy especially at the party- him and his earring. Just thinking about it I have to close my legs- tightly. 

I face the window, my eyes looking at the reflection of Desmond, his hand is on his stick shift prepared to change gears. The sports car rumbles because of the car gaining in velocity. I notice him taking occasional glances over at him, his face long in sadness. 

I turn over to the radio and look at him for permission- 

"Sure." He nods. I turn it on and put it on a station that I recognize, it always plays the sad- emotional songs. Maybe not for the best right now but it's deep. 

It took about 45 minutes before we returned to the school and I don't want to leave this car without touching him and saying, 'I was just kidding, I still remember you.' and we both laugh it off. 

 "I'll show you to your room." He puts the car in park and runs out the door to help me. Such a fucking gentlemen, I can't get over it! I thank him, he then walks me in the direction of my room. 

He walks me up the stairs when the door opens-

"Alannah!" Cerina runs up to me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so happy your okay!" Desmonds looks away, he's obviously jealous that I remember Cerina more than I remember him; the thing is, I spent 2 or 3 days with her for 12 hours a day when I saw him once on my first day for 5 minutes. Her cute little bob is growing out- I wonder if she wants it anymore.  Desmond begins to pull me up the stairs- Cerina coming with. It's the first time- I think- that she'll be in Level D dorms. 

Desmond stands in front of my door, neglecting to come in, I don't blame him at all. I wouldn't want to spend another second with a liar, that is for sure. Desmond lets go of my hand, 

"This is it. See you around Alannah." He walks away, his head hanging down.

"THANK YOU!" I yell then closing the door. When I do I run to the sink turning it on, then turning on the bathtub- along with the jets.

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm not supposed to tell but I'm in a fucking pickle Cerina and I can't have desmond hear me. Listen and don't laugh please. Gabe- Majika's brother are cervidae. Desmond is a vampire and I-" When I was about to say what I was I remember what Gabe told me, 


" if anyone besides me and my Family knew who you were, they would be terrified of you." I have something about me that people are terrified of and I can't tell anyone, I'm more terrifying than a Vampire. My frustration is on high right now because I'm in a corner that I can't get out of. 

"You are what?"

"I was dead for 5 minutes, because of that I have to pretend that I don't remember desmond." I sit on my bed defeated. 

After two hours of talking about the recent events and how I am doing now, Cerina leaves. She was shocked about my trip to death, I decided not to tell her about what I witnessed as I was lying limp on the table. I look at the book laying on the bed where I left it earlier, what If I didn't read this section of the book? Would they have found a different way? I mean they came up with a term 'code red' for spell casters, did they ever come to the conclusion 'Timeline manipulator' was pulling strings to make me 'brain dead' so he could take over me? I mean a girl like me found the answer a day before my actual death day, can you believe it? 

I grab the book and flip to the table of contents, Gabe told me I'm something to me feared; I want to know why, what's so about about a human girl from Michigan? 


These superstitious creatures are the world's rarest. This being should be feared by every creature alive, he reason being is that it's unaware of its staggering amount of power. The amount of  power they harness is enough to wipe earth of the face of the planet, get them upset and they become a ticking time bomb. Matanica's started in the time of vampires and werewolves, they were used as pawns at other peoples expense, mainly used as slaves for their own fear. If a Vampire or werewolf drank the blood or eat the flesh of a matanica- it would poison them to the point of paralysis. 

"oh my god!" I throw the book down on the floor, scooting up to my head board bringing my knees to my chest, my hand over my mouth with tears running down my face. I never wanted to be used as a tool to harm people, Imagining being able to kill people just because of being unaware how much powers I had, did my Mom know about this. I crawl back to the end of the bed and look at the book- what if there's more that I don't know? I lean over the bed and pick it up from the ground, flipping back to where I was.


The first record we have of a matanica was a female named 'Iris'. She was born somewhere between 1818 and 1853 and never knew about her powers, when one day her carriages wheel snapped due to erosion in the road from a flood a few days before. A man who she described was a 'handsome woodsmen' helped her put a new wheel on. She was a royal and invited him over for a nice hot meal. She then offered him a Job as a royal knight- protecting her from danger. When her feelings grew she would invite him to her bedroom when she took initiative to have intercourse with him, when they contacted each other- skin on skin that's when she- 

We were unable to find the rest of her public documents- she says her journal is located with them' but their remains were not located where she said.

Where would her journal be? I have to know what happened and who that man was?

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