A new school year

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Kion was woke up by his older sister kiara she said "come on sleepy head you need to get up." Kion groaned and said "Okay I'm getting up so you can leave my room now." Kiara left her brother's bedroom and went to finish getting ready herself back to kion he got up and made his bed then went to his closet and got his uniform which was a gold yellow blazer matching pants with a firey red tank top underneath the coat and his shoes was pale yellow in color. Once he was dressed he went down stairs were he was greeted by his parents then they left the room for a while five minutes later kiara came down kion looked up at his sister she was wearing a dirty blonde blazer and a matching skirt that went to her knees

This was her last year of high school and she was considered the queen of the school only because she won prom queen every year since 8th grade so she was very popular then their parents came into the living room and their father simba asked "Kion you ready for your first day of high school? "
Kion said "I guess but I don't know how I got chosen as student body president for the next four years."
Their mother nala said "I believe kiara had something to do with that."

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