Part One: When it Came

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The day in Bladehendge was fine. Everything was going well, merchants were selling, hunters were successful, blacksmiths got their buissness and hit a new ore vein. It seemed like the peoples luck could only go up.

That day though everyone on the planet saw something in the sky drifting towards them. It was a large spherical object, it gave of a large cloud of ash and it seemed to be coming to them at a high speed. Many people took cover in there houses. I ran to the Kings quarters, I knew that it would be safe there.

When I got there I went into the basement. I waited and I kept on checking on the sphere. When it got close to us it seemed to just stop.

The messengers of the town alerted all of the townspeople about the thing.

The people were too scared to leave their homes. I was walking through the village and I only saw one man outside of his house. His name was Ysmor.

He would always talk about how he hated the chosen. He said that they would bring the end. He said that they were evil. Everyone in the village thought that he was crazy. Ysmor would scream "The Ashlander will come! The Chosen shall bring it!"

Mother's would keep their children away from him. I hated him. I wished that he had never come around. He always thought that every chosen was evil.

I stared at the large object, while I was out on the porch of the kings quarters the court mage came upon me.

"What is that thing?" I said.

" I don't know. Legends and Proficies have been told about what this could be. Some may think its a God. Others may think its a work of God. Some may worship it as some will be hating it. Nobody knows for certain.  Falno said.

"What do you believe it is?" I said questionably.

"I think that it has a hidden meaning. It needs a catalyst to awaken and to share its secrets. That's where you come in. "  Falno said with a long grimace.

" I will not do anything for you unless you give me information." I said sternly.

"What knowledge do you seek. I know almost all. " Falno said.

"What does Ysmor mean by 'The Chosen' what does any of that mean? Why does he hate them? " I asked curiously.

He took a long breath as if he were going to go into immense detail.

"Today in Bladehenge there are races at war. There are the Chosen, they are the rarest. They aren't a faction but more of a race, they are known to be evil, many will do whatever it takes, for genocide against the Chosen. Chosen have a mixture of different races. They can be any combination.

There are the Shams. They are led by a Woman named Validictoria. They can see the future, the past, they know any escape routes. They have a great deal of power and are ideally assassins. They can see through walls and pinpoint wherever people are. They are rarely seen because of how stealthy they are, they rely a great deal on the shadows and you will never know what hits you if one were to strike you.

There are the Awoken. They are led by their King Atlas. They are normal people. They make bold warriors and they try to kill the Shams. They have a fighting style that can only be trained by high ranks in there race. Theyre fighting style is so elite that they could cut through your sword and take a chop to your neck.

There are the Glows. Nobody knows who they are led by because anyone who meets one, dies. They practice a dark magic and know spells that could turn people on each other. Scare people. Calm people. They can illude the minds eye and make themselves vanish. They can be deadly and silent. Nobody ever comes back after becoming hostile with one.

Finally there are the Hunters. They are led by a Man named Gabriel. He has some of the elite bow skills and have teamed with the humans to wipe out the Chosen. They could hit a bullseye on a target from a mile away. "

The man seemed out of breath after saying all this.

"Would you be able to tell me what I am "

He told me he would after I did him the favor.

I asked him what the favor was first.

"I need you to sneak up into the Kings room and I need you to steal an important document. It will tell us what this thing is in the sky."

The man said.

"OK. I'll do it." My brain was deciding if I should do it or not. , good or evil.

I decided to do it for it could do well for the whole city.

I snuck up and picked the lock on the case. I grabbed the document and read it some letters were scratched out.


I snuck back down to Falnos room and brought it to him.

"By Mispin! You found it! OK now you can have your favor. What was it again?"

"I wish to know what race I was? I was never told " I said.

"OK lay down on this table. I will perform a magic that will put you to sleep. When you wake up the test will be finished. " he said.

"Okay. I'm ready " I said.

I fell asleep. When I woke up I felt groggy. I rubbed my eyes and looked over to Falnos.

"What are the results. ?

He looked worried as he kept scanning through the results.

" Come here" he said.

He brought his face up into my ear and said " Nobody can know this or you will be hunted down. You are a Chosen one, worst part is that your a mixture of all the races. Your mind can't decide between good or evil. You are one of the strongest people in Bladehenge. What I'm going to let you do is teach you your magic. Then I will let you select items from my armory. You can tap into my knowledge now. "

Suddenly I learned everything. I felt like a new person. I felt better, faster,stronger I felt a strong energy rush through me. I could tell who is hostile. I could tell how to escape here. I could see people through the walls. I felt strong.

I just waved my hand around and I turned invisible. I could pinpoint where to shoot to hit someone in a vital.

"You can now come into my armory. " Falnos said.

He led me into the armory and let me pick out some armor. I chose this tight armor that could protect and be stealthy, I picked up a hood with a mask on it to conceal my identity. I picked up a cape for looking awesome. Then I grabbed leggings and boots that went with my armor.

I grabbed two daggers and strapped them onto my leg sheathes. I grabbed some poison darts and stuck them in a holster on my belt. I grabbed about 30 throwing knives and put those on my belt in a holster too. I grabbed a sword and holster and pout it on my belt. Finally I grabbed a bow and a quiver and put it on my back and I left the Kings quarters.

The object was still at a standstill in the sky. I walked by Ysmor. He asked about the Chosen. He talked about how bad the Chosen were. He said that the Awoken and Hunters are doing something right for a change.

He didn't know one thing though.

I am chosen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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