Something In The Way.

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The sky covered in grey as the clouds made the sun disappear from behind my back. I was focused on what I was going to do and where I was heading. I was clearly lost in my thoughts, trying hard to make my brain react. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent waiting for this and planning it, it was about to happen.

I gulped attempting to regain my composure as I visualized the environment around me. The place had a particular air I couldn't explain. The river ran just some meters away from me. I kept on walking through the tall green grass, paying attention to every single noise I heard. 

I looked around me, contemplating the place. The famous bridge over the Aberdeen´s Wishkah River, was right in front of my eyes. The cement structure was fully painted with graffiti. Slowly, I walked underneath the bridge, and closed my eyes. I sat down, leaving my guitar next to me. Still with eyes closed, I quoted the lyrics of Nirvana´s Something In The Way. It was peaceful and calm enough to keep my eyes closed, and drift to sleep till the next day. 

Once I opened my eyes, I understood why that place was so special. Some people used to say that Kurt Cobain, Nirvana´s lead singer and guitarist, had lived under the bridge for a certain period of his life, while others said the opposite. Even if Kurt hadn´t lived there, the bridge meant something to me. It was all a mystery, which somehow hadn´t been cleared up yet.

I opened my eyes, and laid my back over the wall. I grabbed my guitar, and traced it´s strings with my right hand. I took a breath, and started playing the chords of the song inside my head. My view was lost in the river while I tried to imitate Kurt Cobain´s soft whisper. I didn´t need to put my earphones on to get myself lost in the song; my guitar, the river, my voice and the bridge was everything I needed.  

As soft rain drops began to fall from the sky and hit the water of the Wishkah River, a smile appeared  across my cold face. Everything was surprisingly perfect.

Suddenly, I felt a cold breeze pass next to my back. Something had changed in that amazing atmosphere. I had a certain feeling that there was someone else around the bridge. I turned, to look from behind my back, and then to both of my sides, but I couldn't see anyone even though I seemed to hear the noice of footsteps. I thought about the possibility of there being someone trying to hide from me. My heart raised as soon as I perceived the breathing of a person, quite near me.

A little part of the sun could be seen from behind the clouds. It was still raining when a strike of sun appeared, forming a rainbow which reflected in the river. The noices quickly disappeared. The wind blew hard, making me narrow my eyes.

In the reflection of the sun, appeared the tall socking figure of a person. I opened my eyes as wide as I could, fighting against the wind. I stood there shaking nervously as I recognized the figure. Those deep sky blue eyes I would find only in one person. As I looked into them, they seemed to hide a lot of experiences and stories. That characteristic messy hair that covered almost all his face. I was expressionless in the trance, without knowing how to react. My body was frozen, my throat was dry and my teeth were clenched, not letting me say a single word. Firstly, thought it was some kind of feature of my imagination, but at that same moment, I was completely sure that I was straightly looking at the one and only Kurt Cobain. Just when I accidentally blinked, Kurt faded away; vanished in a matter of less than a second.

Once he disappeared, I thought I was going to faint. I couldn't forgive myself for staying there, frozen. I was sure I wasn't crazy, I had seen him, standing right in front of me.

It took me some time to leave that place, but I had to return one way or another. I picked up my guitar, and paced my way back, always look back at the river and the bridge. Walking past the park, I found a little folded piece of paper. I opened it, and found the lyrics to a song. As I turned it over, I found a letter written. 

I need a favor. Take good care of this. Keep it, and don't show it around, please. I'll wait here as far as you promise to finish the song. Once you have it, return it back to me.

Good luck,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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