September 11, 2014

232 10 2

Who knows how I'm going to survive? I don't plan on going home. 

I've slept on a bench at night. It was freezing cold. I feel completely frozen.

I untied my hair from my ponytail, letting it flow in the cold wind. Who knows where I am.

I sat back down on the bench, noticing a brunette girl walking by. She looked a lot like Laura from behind.

"RYDEL!" She yelled. "Where are you??"

I quickly hid behind the bench. It WAS Laura.

She looked all around, looking worried. Then she spotted me.

"Rydel!!" She yelled.


"Rydel, where have you been? Your family is looking crazy all over for you!!" 

"Laura, I don't want to be near them. Do you think I could stay at your place?"

"Of course. Aren't you going to tell your family??"

"No, I said I don't want to be near them" 

"I can't do that, Rydel. I can't keep a secret from your family, the ones who truly care about you! How did you get lost anyway?"

"Why don't you ask Ross or Maia?"

"Oh my god...Did they do something to you?"

"No, maybe, kind of"

"What did they do?"

"They didn't do anything, I decided to come here on my own."

"You can't stay here forever, Rydel! You have to go back home!!"

"I'm not going back home."

"Get out of that bench!" She demanded. I got up and away from the bench. "Now, go back home!"

"I'm not going back home!!" I yelled.

"Rydel, remember that dance?"

"When I...."

"When you danced with Ellington. He's a mess right now. He's looking all over for you. Rydel, he really cares about you" That's when Laura's words got to me. "You have to go back home. Do it for Ellington......" She said. "Your brothers too. They miss their ONLY sister! They want her back! You would've seen Ross, he's crying for you. He misses his twin sister"

"Laura, I-"

"Do it, for your family."

"I'll do it, BUT if I can spend the night at YOUR house then go back home."

"Fine, I have a guest room"

"What about you're mom and dad?"

"Mom's on a business trip, Dad is in Florida"

"Why is he in Florida?''

"Mom and Dad divorced when I was young, Dad cheated on Mom" She said, looking down.

We started walking towards her house "I'm very sorry, Laura"

"Don't be. The past is in the past."

 We arrived at her house. 

"Rydel, your family is here"

I went inside and saw my brothers and my parents.

Ross was crying. He walked up to me and hugged me

"Rydel" he whispered "Why did you leave?"

"I think you know why" I whispered back.

He pulled away from the hug. "I'm sorry"

I looked down at my shoes, doing an awkward tip toe move while my mom and dad lectured me "RYDEL MARY LYNCH!! Don't you ever do that again!! You had us very worried!!"

"Are you mad? Or happy to see me?" I asked.

"Both" Mom said, coming for a hug. Dad just nodded. "We're going home" She said, blinking back tears. "Thank you for finding her, Laura"

Laura nodded "No problem Mrs. Lynch!" 

I saw Maia at a corner of Laura's living room. She came up to me. "I'm sorry too"  She apologized quietly. Not too quiet that I couldn't hear her.

"Maia and Ross told us everything that has been happening" Dad said. 

"I've made a decision," Maia said. "I'm not having the baby. And Ross and I need a break" She blinked back tears too "Maybe, it wasn't such a good idea to date my co-star"

I nodded in agreement "I think you're right" I hugged her, she hugged back.

"Are we still best friends?" She asked.

"Always...." I replied.

I pulled away from the hug, my mom and dad were already waiting outside. I walked outside and got inside the car, along with all my brothers.

I looked outside the window at the car ride home. 

When we arrived, I walked inside. Even if it was just one night, I really missed this place.

 I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my diary

Dear Diary,

I can't believe what I just did. I ran away from my family.

I was so stupid to do that. I should be thankful. Laura hardly sees her mom and dad and Maia's parent's died when she was young. None of them have siblings, they're completely alone. By themselves. While I'm over here running away from my parents and brothers.

If anything I'm very fortunate to have a family.

I'm ashamed of myself, diary. I am being very unfair with everyone and everything.

I'll stop writing now, I need to take a nap. Thanks for listening to me, pathetic Rydel *sighs*

Love, Pathetic Rydel

I lay down on my bed and soon fell asleep


OMGGG. I don't know what I just did. I'm so depressing sometimes xD. Kay, Bye Loves!!

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