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It was a quiet night like usual in the arctic. It was currently lightly snowing as Arctic Star walked through the snow; the snow crunching under his feet. His two huskies Storm and Jet, trotting happily by his side as he walked through the arctic. He was currently doing his regular nightly patrol, making sure everything was in check with the way that it was supposed to be. After all, he was the King of this Multiverse. He had to make sure everything stayed the way it should. Arctic Star (whom I'll just call Arctic) stopped for a moment, glancing up at the night sky as snow slowly yet gently fell from the sky. The fact that there were countless stars visible despite the light snow falling was a truly beautiful sight to see. A soft smile was on Arctic's face as he was observing the stars on such a beautiful night while his two huskies just played around in the snow as they waited for Arctic to finish observing the night sky.

Soon enough, Arctic was done observing the beautiful stars, deciding to continue his walk. He did a light whistle to get the attention of his two huskies so that they would know to follow him now. As for what time it was, it was approximately midnight, but Arctic didn't mind being outside this late at night. It was just a part of his job to patrol the arctic lands to make sure there was no one lost or trapped outdoors in the middle of the night. There were multiple things that Arctic liked about his nightly job. This nightly job made it so that he got to enjoy the ability to just walk around, observing the arctic nights' true beauty. It was overall very relaxing to him, which was another reason why he did not mind it.

Arctic soon came across a river he needed to cross. It was not too particularly wide, but it was wide enough that a running jump would not be enough to cross it. He walks up to the river, looking down at the presumably freezing cold water. He relaxed, taking a deep breath as he put his foot down on the water. He could feel a bit of water seep through the material of his boot, but it was only a matter of seconds until he felt the water below that foot turn to ice that would be firm enough to stand on. A calm smile spread across his face as he put his other foot down on the water, turning the water below that foot as well as partially around it, to solid ice.

Arctic was very aware that this ice would only be temporary but if he stays perfectly calm, he knew he could focus his magic into making the ice last a bit longer as well as be a bit sturdier to walk and stand on. So, he remained calm and started to take his time walking across the river, the water instantly freezing now with every step he took. Once he reached the other side of the river, he stepped onto the soft snow that was on the ground then turned to face his two beloved huskies, whom were still on the other side of the river. With a simple wave of his hand, he signals for his two huskies to cross the river while the ice was still in place. So, of course, the two huskies more than happily crossed the river on the ice, safely getting over to where their beloved owner was. Arctic smiled ever so softly, gently giving his two huskies a light pet on the head then turning around and continuing his walk after signaling for his two huskies to follow him.

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