The fateful meeting

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"Everything is going according the plan." said the most feared woman in the farest parts of the universe, Red Diamond. "Captain, are you sure you want to visit that planet?" Red her face scrunched up. "Who dared to speak up against my orders?" The ship got quiet, everyone was nervous. "I asked-" someone interrupted her. "It was me." Her very own Pearl was the one who spoke up. Red gave off a loud frustrated sigh. "Why, my Pearl, do you think it is necessary to throw in your  opinion? Do you think it matters?" The Pearl looked around a little, then speaking again. "Our Sapphire had some news according to the planet, which you will think are unpleasent. You will hear bad news involving Pink Di-" Red slapped her across the face. The Pearl was startled but not surprised. "You don't have the right to speak her full name. Or even think of her. Now lets get to this nowhere planet and don't you dare talk to me again for the whole trip. Or..." She paused for a few seconds. "Do you want another crack in your worthless gem?" The Pearl looked slightly horrified and shook her head. One more crack and she was gone for good.  "Good. Then get out of my sight. Let's get to that stupid dirty planet."

Everyone could agree that she is the most feared leader in the whole universe. The diamonds got scared, that her bad behaviour and loud mouth would anger or frighten the gems. So, the only thing they could do was send her on missions. Missions far away from their own planet, where no teleporter could travel to and no signal the diamond communicator reaches. Far away from the gems and far away from the diamonds. She obviously agreed since she wanted to get her own planet. She could finally have it. Her own planet. She was a little sad, she couldn't take Pink with her but it was alright. She knew Blue, Yellow and White would look after her. So she didn't need to be worried.

That was 6000 years ago. Now she is on her way to see Pink again! She is so excited, so happy, so full of emotions! All the fights and all the screaming made her very tired, so all she could do now was fall asleep and dream a little, to fight the boredom of sleep. The Pearl was glad and so was the crew, not many can handle her outbursts and Pearl was with her for around 7000 years. It does not seem much but with a Captain like her it feels like an eternity. The Pearl spoke "Alright guys, you all know what you have to do. Don't mess it up or she will notice. Let's see how the planet has evolved. Planet Earth is a dirty planet with lots of insects. The only information we have is, that it belongs to.. a diamond, close to ours. Use hyperspeed and we will be there in 30 days. Now." She spoke so monotone that nobody could help but agree to that, they were all glad that Red Diamond was asleep. The faster they got there, the more the Captain will be happy.

Hell broke loose in those 30 days. The Captain woke up in the middle of the flight and was almost on the verge of tears. She obviously had a nightmare but she wouldn't admit it. She was scared. Her pride was hurt after one of her many Amethyst's asked if she is alright. Obviously this Amethyst is now gone. Shattered, to be exact. Red was in a foul mood after her dream and she had let everyone know that. Nobody could escape her yelling. And if you did one thing wrong you were shattered on the spot. At the end of the trip, only six gems survived. Army Amethyst, Riot Ruby, Builder Bismuth, Sneaky Sapphire, Pixel Peridot and the most trusted, yet most useless, Prune Pearl. Everybody else was a failure anyway, so who cares.

The awaited landing on Earth finally happened. But everywhere they looked was water, there was no way they could land on water. "So useless! All of you! I should shatter you all, one by one!" The leader, Red Diamond screamed. "My Diamond, we have found ground we can land on, we will set course to it. It will take approximately 30 seconds." Pixel Peridot started. "Sadly, something close to a civilisation has spread on it. Should we still land?" Red took a second to think and then nodded. "At least one gem who has common sense. Set course to that and then let us finally get off of this ship. I need fresh air and new supplies, we have taken a few hits in the last battles. A miracle that our ship lasted that long." She sighed. "It seems like someone really does not like me.. but I am such a lovable Diamond! Am I not?" Everyone nodded in agreement. Pixel spoke up again. "Getting ready to land."

Red Diamond was proud that she could get here so fast. No one else could have done that but her. She opened the hatch of her ship and got out, expecting an excited Pink. But instead, there was a small human with 3 gems. "Well hello, you must be here to greet me. Thank you-" The Pearl spoke up. "Leave this planet alone! We don't do harm to anyone!" Red looked at her with disgust. "Who do you think you are, to talk to me like that? I am here to talk to Pink Diamond and not her puny Pearl." Pearl was shocked. "Pink.. Diamond..?" The human looked around, he was obviously nervous. It made Red uncomfortable. "Get that insect away from here." She tried to shoo it away but one of the gems got in front of it. The gem was tall and didnt look like any gem she had seen before. "Are you really here to see Pink Diamond?" She asked. Red looked even more uncomfortable. "Yes! Why would i be on this nowhere planet if not for her?!" She got furious, a gem asking her questions? How dare she.

The Amethyst looked at the Pearl and said: "She doesn't look like any gem we have seen before, she must be a new generation from homeworld- but why does she know about Pink then?" The Pearl looked closer at Red. "She's a Diamond!" The human got out from behind the big gem. "Do you not know what happened..?" It asked carefully. "What was supossed to happen? What don't I know of, Prune?!" She yelled for her Pearl, which appeared right after she yelled. "My Diamond I tried to-" Red grabbed her by her arm. "Tell me. Who are these gems." Prune looked over to the gems, a little frightened. "I-I don't know, my Diamond!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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