Martial arts students

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You know the kids I'm talking about, the ones who walk around like they can take on the world because the now have a brand spankin new green belt to show everybody.

My grandmother could take out most of the idiots that go to those classes, but they somehow have it imprinted in their heads that by taking the class they are now far superior to every and anyone else who doesn't. Now Don't get me wrong this is no hate on the class itself, every now and then you get that one kid who takes these classes and is a boss at it,but that kid is generally not the one who runs around bragging about how great they are like a moron.
Most of the kids who will talk all day about how they have so much strength and can do forty-hundred million push-ups in a row without so much as breaking a sweat, are really just posers that can't break more than 2 boards at a time without getting a splinter that will no doubt result in a law suite being filed. So yea it's not the "talks a lot about how They can do so much more than you kid" that can fight, It's generally the kid who is all quiet who can do the Bruce lee junk.

Poser- Heh, look everybody,I just did 20 sit-ups without somebody even having to hold my feet.
Bruce quietly does 500 while levitating by channeling his chakra.
Poser- Hey Look everyone,I can do a backflip
Bruce silently does a triple backflip before landing into a perfect handstand
Teacher- and now Bruce and Billy "Talks to much" Poser shall spar
Bruce- you have no chance to defeat me. (His mouth keeps moving a few seconds after he stops talking like a true pro)

And seconds after the match started It would have been ended by quiet Bruce performing a spinning tornado whirlwind kick to the posers face, resulting in the permeant hospitalization of that sucker.

That is the reason that not everyone should be in martial arts, because some of you, better yet, most of you are just making fools of your selfs. Unless you are that one Bruce lee guy that can jack everyone up with all of your amazing flips ,1 inch punches and all that good stuff. So really, unless you have actual talent or are actually benefiting from the class, Just Don't.

Vote and Comment if you know a Billy " Talks too much" Poser

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