Akward Pauses

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This is sort of a love-hate thing right here, it's usually just infuriating,but occasionally it can be the funniest thing out there.

I think that we can all name someone, who when you say something will just blankly stare at you, then a minute later say "what?". And meanwhile all that you can think is really? They were staring at me the entire time, what the heck is wrong with them?
And that is the kind of junk that actually ticks me off. Makes me wanna falcon punch that sucker.
But the kid ,even if you reply to that what, will STILL take another half an hour of staring at you like a bull-faced little tweety bird, THEN say, "were you still talking to me?".

Now what kinda special breed of idiot have we let out on this world today, just pure stupidity folks, and it seems that they excel in it.

And if you thought that that was as bad as it gets, No. It gets even worse when you have that one idiot who hears you talking, then says," awwwkkwaaaard."

I mean really, how could your semi dysfunctional brain possibly tell you that that would make it better, cause right after I falcon punch the one staring at me like a idiot, your next.

However there is the other kind of awkward pauses that are just awesome. Like when you are sitting in class and the teacher calls on someone else besides you, who you know has not been following along.

Teacher- Samuel, what is the answer to number 5 in section 53 on the 23 textbook?
Samuel- uhhhhhhh, *silence*
And now is the APPROPRIATE time to say it
Another student- Awwwkkwaaaard
And everybody laughs, including the kid being called on.

Then there is the time when someone says something SO outrageous that the other person just has to think is a joke, but when they laugh they find that they are the only ones laughing. You find this one a lot on Duck Dynasty, which is partly why I like that show so much. It's just so hilarious when it happens you just can't help but to chuckle a little.

Vote if you know someone who does this, and if so, comment and tell which one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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