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Mafia (She-wolf, Fire wolf, BFFs: Ghost, Bianca, Mystery, Page, Kaira, Mate: Death)
Ghøst (She-Wolf, Silver Wolf, If you call me anything other than Ghost I'll rip your fur off and feed it to the vultures, Sister: Mystery, Mate: Killer)
Bianca (She-Wolf, Northern Wolf, favorite saying: "That's what she said!", if you touch me, me and my mate will shred you to pieces, Mate: Scar)
Death (Male, Mighty-Wolf, literally one of the biggest strongest wolves in the forest, (besides his brothers Killer, Scar, Shards, Burn, and Sleek, Mate: Mafia)
Mystery (She-Wolf, Northern wolf, Most call me Myst, Very fast, favorite saying: "CAN'T TOUCH THIS!", mate: Shards)
Killer (Male, Silver Wolf, favorite saying: "Hi, YOUR DEAD!", "ah, life.", Strong, Mate: Ghøst)
Page (She-Wolf, Charming, Silver Wolf, favorite saying: "Ah stupid, stupid, Puppy.", "Bruh", Mate: Sleek)
Sleek (Male, Silver Wolf, Favorite saying(s), "BOI HOW U DOING BOI?!", " I miss bein a single Pringle, OH PAGe, I'm sorry Page I- *Page does a slapo* NUUU!" Mate: Page)
Kaira (She-Wolf, Fire Wolf, Fav saying: "FC OFF!" "I'm leaving now..." Mate: Burn)
Scar ( Male; Fire Wolf, Hates talking, mate: Bianca)

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