Brad pitt

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As we all know brad Pitt is kind of a ladies man he had two ladies fighting for him two actresses but will he settle down for a regular beautiful girl 👧🏾 like yourself?as we all know there are a lot of awards for being an actors girlfriend like going behind the scenes and seeing how the movie 🍿 is made what it takes just to prepare for a movie 🍿 all of the ins and outs of what it takes to be a director but will you and brad end up together?because you got this job as a intern and everyone at your college thought 💭 it was cool 😎 but you all you thought was that you would be working with some spoiled celebrity who is probably a player and all he do is cheats on his wife or girlfriend but you were close to being right he did cheat on on actress with the other but you didn't know that it was Mr.Smith him self your mother and sister would always love ❤️ to watch movies 🎥 but you were more like a book 📖 kind of girl 👧🏾 so when everyone else were playing you were the one left out inside so you were always writing ✍️ your own stories you always wanted to be a author because you thought 💭 that you were the only one ☝🏾 that seen the true meaning of what a writer is and why they write and every time you opened a book 📖 your mind would always travel 🧳 some where else you would block everyone and everything out just so you could enjoy 😉 your book 📖 yeah you would get in trouble for it but you really didn't care but one ☝🏾 day you were sixteen and your mother sat you down and said I understand why you love ❤️ to read and write your great 👍🏾 great 👍🏾 grandmother 👵🏾 use to do the same thing all day everyday she use to write songs and books 📚 she wrote so many books 📚 that one ☝🏾 day her hands were hurting from all the writing ✍️ that she couldn't write anymore and every time she would try she would just give up because it caused her to much pain and after she could not write she would get people to do it for her but she would just tell them what to write like she would give them all kinds of ideas 💡 until one ☝🏾 day they weren't thinking 🤔 about her so they just stole all of her ideas 💡 and left her for death 💀 and then she told that the family the whole family are expecting you to carry her legacy you were shocked 😮 by all of this and you were mainly stressed 😩 you were thinking what if I don't become a big author like my family wants me to be I don't want to disappoint everyone what if I don't become anything and waste all of these years on just writing ✍️ and nothing comes of it you began to cry 😭 all alone in your bed you made sure that your mom was no where around to see the tears 😭 in your eyes 👀 and your family didn't believe in crying 😢 they do not feel sorry 😐 for you when you cry 😢 no tissue no hugs 🤗 no you can do this if you cry 😢 you will get your ass beat and then they would say now you really have something to cry 😢 about and keep crying 😢 if you want something to add on along with that issue and you also know that your family do not take failure well either they would tell you to try again and then tell you how

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